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UK Against Fluoridation

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

How Fluoride Helps and Possibly Hurts Your Oral Health

......................................Fluoride as an Oral Health Hazard

Toxic Doses

Fluoride is only beneficial to your oral health when it is being used as directed. Toxic doses of fluoride will depend on a person’s weight and can result in significant health issues. Because it can be easier for younger children to consume extremely high doses of fluoride due to fluorinated water, their tendency to accidentally swallow toothpaste and the consumption of processed foods containing fluoride, it is necessary that they are carefully supervised, particularly when using dental products that contain fluoride.


This condition typically occurs in children aged six months to 16 years. It creates streaks and specks on the teeth that can range from a hardly visible, whitish color to a very noticeable brown. Fluorosis does not cause pain, and in mild cases, may not impair the health of the teeth. In these situations, the main concern will be cosmetic. To have the marks removed, it will be necessary to have them treated with professional-grade abrasives and whiteners available only at your dentist’s office. For individuals who have moderate to severe cases of fluorosis, the concentration of fluoride on the teeth can be so high that the porosity of the enamel increases to the degree that the teeth become physically damaged and begin to crumble.

If you have concerns about fluoride and your teeth, or if your see white streaks on your children’s teeth, you should consult your dentist. You dentist will address any concerns you have about your oral health.


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