Published on Mar 4, 2017
I live in Hull and was horrified to discover that the local council are planning to fluoridate the water when most of Europe is opting to ban it due to health risks. My instant reaction is to stand up to this insane proposal which is being pushed on the back of poor dental health in a number of young children in the region. My desire to help out where possible in educating local people led me to meet the wonderful Joy Warren who is the guest on this weeks Reclaiming Perception. I wanted to give Joy a platform to discuss in great details the FACTS that challenge the Councils arguments and to truly educate people of what this toxin does to the human body.
Joy Warren has worked in the West Midlands all her life, including several years in Government Departments and at the University of Warwick. She gained a BSc. (Hons) in Environmental Science in 2002 following which she inspired the Warwick Environment Network which was succeeded by Warwick University adopting formal environment programmes. In 2007, she became the University’s Environment Programmes Coordinator, a job which she held for three years prior to retirement. As a member of FoE, she was also instrumental in preventing the building of Coventry City’s second waste incinerator, thus paving the way for the City’s successful recycling programme.
She is particularly concerned about the detrimental effects on our health of substances which are deliberately and accidentally introduced into our environment. She has researched the fluoridation controversy since 2004 although other artificial and naturally-occurring health-damaging substances also concern her. Having acquired a Certificate in Health and Nutrition, she avoids doctors and allopathic medicine and instead, self-treats. It goes without saying that she avoids ingesting and absorbing fluoride even though she lives in a fluoridated city.
During the past seven years, she has collaborated with three other anti-fluoridation groups in Hampshire, Bedford and Wakefield and has successfully helped them to prevent water fluoridation. Initial attempts to fluoridate Barnsley and Nottingham have been put on the back burner due to her activity. Her current focus is on Hull and the East Riding.
Groups Joy is supporting / affiliated with
West Midlands Against Fluoridation
UK Freedom From Fluoride Alliance
Joy Warren, BSc. (Hons) Environmental Science
Coordinator, West Midlands Against Fluoridation
Joint Coordinator, UK Freedom From Fluoride Alliance
You have to fight with all your might against attempts to poison water supplies. I am currently preparing a video to promote a petition that I created in Brazil, and which currently has more than 8,000 signatures. See
Unknown, at 06 March, 2017
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