NZ - Tasman District Council bites into fluoridation bill
If the Government wants to fluoridate drinking water supplies, it should pay for it, says Tasman mayor Richard Kempthorne.
The mayor made the point during a discussion around the Tasman District Council table on Thursday over a submission from TDC opposing the Health (Fluoridation of Drinking Water) Amendment Bill as drafted.
"This is a health issue and so the Government are saying: 'OK, it's going to be taken over by the Government' ... and so we should say: 'That's fine but you pay for it' and I think that should be our simple message: that yes it is a health issue, the Government should pay for it and not local councils," Kempthorne said.
"I think that should be our simple message: that yes it is a health issue, the Government should pay for it and not local councils," Kempthorne said."
He is right that it's a health issue but not one for authorities to decide and thus overrule the individual's right to refuse a health intervention. Anyone who orders or funds the dumping of toxic industrial waste fluorides into public drinking water supplies should be prosecuted and imprisoned.
Carrie, at 05 February, 2017
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