Thyroid UK - Fluorinated drugs. To use or not to use?
At first I want to say that I do not suggest anyone to quit their medication because it is fluorinated.
Reason why I am writing this is this quote :
"It is unclear to what extent, if any, the fluorinated drugs listed here may increase the body burden of inorganic fluoride. This uncertainty is amplified by the lack of available data from the pharmaceutical companies."
They also provide a list of drugs that are fluorinated. I did some digging and most say fluorinated drugs are safe, except when used long term.
"The only thing that is bad for the Human Body is that if a drug is used year on year on year on year on year - way beyond its intended/prescribed usage, then there is going to be permanent damage somewhere in the body. Often damage is quite reversible after treatment cessation, however, not always. For example, long term usage of antidepressants has been shown to create the same level of damage in the pre-frontal cortex of the brain akin to that of having had a lobotomy"
They also explain why drugs are fluorinated , unfortunately some of it makes sense.
My question is, even if it would be perfectly safe to use fluorinated drugs short term, what happens when your health is already compromised? As far as I am concerned only ill people need medication! But as stated above, jury is still out there as we are lacking data which pharmaceutical companies obviously doesn't want to share! Unfortunately it seems to be somewhat legal for pharmaceutical companies to hide data that is possibly damaging them. I am not saying this is one of those cases, but what if it is? What if fluorinated drugs are one reason causing epidemic of autoimmune diseases?
In a perfect world this should be properly investigated. Until that we can either trust that there is no harm or try alternative medication that hopefully and possibly is less damaging.
Comment One
Thanks for your post pointing out the dangers.
As well as drugs what about toothpaste. It is very rare to find one without fluoride and particularly in children's toothpaste and considering their teeth are renewed around 7 years of age - has flouride damaged their thyroid gland in particular and also health in the future?.Children swallow their toothpaste whether or not you watch them? Thankfully in the UK we don't have much flouridated water at present.
I've never thought that medications might also contain flouride. Thanks for that info.
At first I want to say that I do not suggest anyone to quit their medication because it is fluorinated.
Reason why I am writing this is this quote :
"It is unclear to what extent, if any, the fluorinated drugs listed here may increase the body burden of inorganic fluoride. This uncertainty is amplified by the lack of available data from the pharmaceutical companies."
They also provide a list of drugs that are fluorinated. I did some digging and most say fluorinated drugs are safe, except when used long term.
"The only thing that is bad for the Human Body is that if a drug is used year on year on year on year on year - way beyond its intended/prescribed usage, then there is going to be permanent damage somewhere in the body. Often damage is quite reversible after treatment cessation, however, not always. For example, long term usage of antidepressants has been shown to create the same level of damage in the pre-frontal cortex of the brain akin to that of having had a lobotomy"
They also explain why drugs are fluorinated , unfortunately some of it makes sense.
My question is, even if it would be perfectly safe to use fluorinated drugs short term, what happens when your health is already compromised? As far as I am concerned only ill people need medication! But as stated above, jury is still out there as we are lacking data which pharmaceutical companies obviously doesn't want to share! Unfortunately it seems to be somewhat legal for pharmaceutical companies to hide data that is possibly damaging them. I am not saying this is one of those cases, but what if it is? What if fluorinated drugs are one reason causing epidemic of autoimmune diseases?
In a perfect world this should be properly investigated. Until that we can either trust that there is no harm or try alternative medication that hopefully and possibly is less damaging.
Comment One
Thanks for your post pointing out the dangers.
As well as drugs what about toothpaste. It is very rare to find one without fluoride and particularly in children's toothpaste and considering their teeth are renewed around 7 years of age - has flouride damaged their thyroid gland in particular and also health in the future?.Children swallow their toothpaste whether or not you watch them? Thankfully in the UK we don't have much flouridated water at present.
I've never thought that medications might also contain flouride. Thanks for that info.
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