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UK Against Fluoridation

Saturday, July 16, 2016

FluorideAlert.org Newsletter

Victories & Campaign Updates
  • Fluoridegate: A Freedom of Information Act request has uncovered an explosive document from the American Dental Association (ADA) calling for research on the health effects of drinking fluoridated water.  Proponents of fluoridation admit they lack research showing “optimally” fluoridated water is safe for kidney patients, minorities, diabetics, and seniors, as questions swirl in burgeoning scandal.  (Learn more)
  • Buffalo, Wyoming: After months of hearings and discussions, the City Council unanimously voted to end fluoridation in their community of 5,000. Councilors felt that there were safer and more effective alternatives for community oral health. 
  • Wakefield, U.K: Over 77,000 residents will be spared from fluoridation after a government council found that “there was not enough evidence to prove water fluoridation would work and not be harmful to public health.”  The evidence in favor of fluoridation was of such “insufficient quality” that the Adults and Health overview and scrutiny committee didn’t even recommend a full review beyond their preliminary review. 
  • New Video Interview with FAN Director -- Michael Connett, JD was recently interviewed on Holistic Health TV about the risks associated with fluoride and fluoridation.  You can now watch the 26-minute interview on Youtube by clicking here.
  • New Alarming Video: This well-made video features council testimony from a Sacramento water employee about fluoride additives leaching lead from pipes, and testimony from a former City Manager, who admits that the city is better off spending their fluoridation budget on dental treatments for children.
  • FDA Petition Update: We've surpassed 10,000 signers and need your help to keep the momentum going.  First, please use our automated system to quickly send a letter to the editor of your local newspapers about the illegal sale of fluoride supplements. By educating your neighbors you can proactively work to protect the health of the children in your community—click here.   Second, please share this petition with friends and family, as well as on social media. 

The Fluoride-Lobby’s War on Democracy
A disturbing trend has appeared in the battle for fluoride-free drinking water. When the democratic process is used to end fluoridation, the fluoride-lobby tries to end the democratic process.  This is the strategy that concerned citizens, councilors, and campaigners are now facing around the world.  No country, state or province is immune, and millions are currently threatened by active mandate legislation.
In May we told you about the new mandate threat that has arisen in New Zealand in response to strong citizen opposition to fluoridation at the local level.  Recent votes to end, then return fluoridation in Hamilton and Whakatane have showcased a situation where local elected officials are sandwiched between powerful dental and chemical lobbying interests that demand fluoridation, and their own constituents and residents who oppose the practice.  The pressure on local councilors to decide between corporate greed and the will and welfare of their own citizens has evidently been too difficult to withstand, resulting in local politicians calling for the national government to take responsibility for fluoridation.
New Zealand Health Minister Jonathan Coleman will introduce a bill later this year that will shift responsibility and decision making from the local councils to the District Health Boards (DHB’s). This will ultimately result in mandatory fluoridation for all major public water supplies in New Zealand as the DHBs are contractually obligated to carry out Ministry of Health policy, and appear eager to do so. More than 1.3 million New Zealanders on fluoride-free public water supplies could be impacted if DHBs are allowed to take control of fluoridation.
But campaigners in New Zealand aren’t going to let this happen!  In only weeks, they have raised almost $25,000 for an ad campaign, have collected thousands of petition signatures, have organized a grassroots campaign, and have created a coalition with dental professionals opposed to fluoridation.  Paul Connett, PhD, FAN’s Senior Consultant and co-author of “The Case Against Fluoride,” is also currently in New Zealand completing a speaking tour of the country, and was also featured on this month’s International Fluoride Free Teleconference that was dedicated to the situation in NZ.
If passed this legislation would make New Zealand the third country in the world with a fluoridation mandate.  In Ireland a mandate still exists despite many of the largest city and county councils calling for an end to the practice.  Israel now also has a mandate after re-initiating nationwide fluoridation earlier this year after the appointment of a new Minister of Health.  Fortunately, the former Israeli Minister of Health that repealed the mandate two years ago, MK Yael German, submitted a petition to the Supreme Court of Israel last week to permanently end the practice.
No Community is Safe
The mandate threat extends beyond New Zealand.  Over the past 6 years there has been a domino-effect of communities ending fluoridation in Ontario, Canada.  16 communities, representing hundreds of thousands of people have rejected the practice, including major cities such as Cornwall and Windsor.  In response to this growing groundswell of opposition, Liberal MP Bob Delaney (Mississauga-Streetsville) has introduced a petition to the Ontario Legislature to “make the fluoridation of municipal drinking water mandatory in all municipal water systems across the Province of Ontario.”  He also plans to submitted approximately 250,000 signatures calling supporting the mandate.
There are also new threats in the Unites States, where 17 states currently have laws intended to provide statewide fluoridation.  There is legislation introduced in both Hawaii and New Jersey this legislative session that would create state mandates if passed.  We’ve successfully defeated similar bills in both of these states in recent years, and neither bill has had a public hearing yet, but we must remain vigilant.
There is also talk of state legislation next session mandating fluoridation in Oregon, despite recent overwhelming votes in opposition to the practice in Newport and Portland.  You can read Clean Water Oregon’s press release about the proposal here.  Oregon residents are also urged to join the campaign and sign their petition.
The best defense against a fluoridation mandate is a strong offense, which is why everyone should send a message to their state and national leaders urging them to oppose fluoridation, period.  I would also suggest listening to my recent presentation (called “Meet Me At the Capitol”) on taking your campaign from the local-level to your state capitol, where your campaign can ensure a mandate is never even introduced, let alone passed.
Help FAN work to overturn mandates and prevent new ones. 

Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution


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