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UK Against Fluoridation

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Is Fluoride DAMAGING Your Health?

downloadThe issue of fluoride in the public water supply has been up for debate for years. Some parties are all for the fluoridation of our water, while others are completely against it. Personally, I do not drink tap water or use it in my cooking, and I prefer to use store-bought gallons of spring water instead. Ultimately, the choice is up to the consumer. But before you turn on that faucet, you may want to take these 6 things into consideration.
1. Nations that fluoridate their water supply have tooth decay rates similar to nations that do not.
Did you know that the United States consumes more fluoridated water than the rest of the world?  The process of adding fluoride to the public water supply began in 1945 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. As of 2008, fluoride has been found to exist in roughly 72 percent of the public drinking water in the U.S. While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have stated that this was a successful move for the public’s health, the World Health Organization has stated that there is a minimal difference in the rates of tooth decay between countries that fluoridate their water and those that do not.
2. Fluoride build-up is not limited to your teeth.
Fluoride can also leave deposits in your bones, thyroid and pineal glands, and your brain. Studies have shown that the effects of fluoride toxicity on the brain can range from lower IQ levels to how the brain develops from birth. It can also affect your body’s hormone balance and blood sugar levels.
3. Fluoridation is not natural.
The chemical primarily used in the fluoridation process is fluorosilicic acid. This chemical is attained by devices used by phosphate fertilizer industrialists as an attempt to control air pollution. Fluoride is removed from the air, because it is considered to be hazardous to the environment.
4. Fluoride is a medicine.
In contrast to chlorine, which is added to the public water supply to kill bacteria, fluoride is added for the sole purpose of preventing tooth decay. According to the Food and Drug Administration, since tooth decay is considered a disease, fluoride is essentially a medication used to treat it.
5. Fluoride poses more risks than benefits for infants and children.
It has been found that children are already getting more than the daily recommended dose of fluoride from their toothpaste alone; a quick fix for this is purchasing a fluoride-free toothpaste for little ones. While those in the public health field used to recommend giving infants fluoridated water beginning at birth, this is no longer advised. Infants that drink formula mixed with tap water are ingesting 100 times the recommended dose of fluoride.
6. Supplements of fluoride have not been approved by the FDA.
Supplements of fluoride were designed with the idea that they would provide a child the same amount of fluoride as they would from drinking fluoridated water. However, all of the fluoride supplements that have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration have been rejected.


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