NZ - Health board faces tough questions over water fluoridation plans
The Nelson Marlborough Health Board have been asked by members of the public what it will take for them to consider changing their position on water fluoridation.
A group of concerned Nelson residents attended the public forum of the recent NMDHB meeting to express their concerns over the fluoridation of water in the region.
Sara Cooper questioned what alternatives had been considered by the board in addressing the problem of dental cavities.
"With regard to water fluoridation and medicating the human tooth via our water, what choices were put infront of you as solutions? I'm interested to know that as a member of the public," she said.
Cooper used Scotland as an example of a country which had never fluoridated their water supply despite facing a dramatic increase in dental cavities in children.
She said instead of fluoridating the water supply, the Scottish government chose to implement Child Smile, a national programme designed to improve the oral health of children and reduce inequalities in dental health and access to dental services.
"Encourage health, encourage self health promotion and knowledge so that we can look after ourselves," said Cooper.
"You want children to tie their own shoelaces, you don't want to tie their shoelaces forever."
Another manquestioned what it would take for the board to reconsider their position on water fluoridation.
"My question is very simple, what would it take for you to change your mind? What do you need to see? Studies? Reports?"
Board chair Jenny Black thanked those who spoke and said she appreciated that they had come to address the board.
In August, the NMDHB confirmed it's position on water fluoridation by adopting a formal statement.
It endorses community water fluoridation as an important public health measure to maintain good oral health, the prevention of tooth decay and the reduction of health inequalities.
The statement says that community water fluoridation is a safe, effective and affordable population-based strategy for the prevention of dental decay. It supports the Ministry of Health's position, recommending the fluoridation of drinking water supplies to the optimal level of 0.7-1.0 mg/L to provide further protection against dental decay.
At the time, the board said other health boards around the country should make their position on water fluoridation clear to encourage central government to address the issue.
The NMDHB made submissions to the Nelson City Council's Long Term Plan earlier this year urging the council to fluoridate the city's water supply to improve the dental health of children and adults in the region.
At the time, Nelson Mayor Rachel Reese urged government ministers to address the issue on a national basis.
A community meeting on water fluoridation by members of Fluoride Free Nelson is being held on Saturday November 28 at the Stoke Memorial Hall, 548 Main Road, Stoke.
This article says the NZ Health Board faces tough questions about water fluoridation. As a health practitioner in Geelong Australia I also asked strong questions before our health board put fluoride into Geelong water.
The New Zealand Health Department might be wanting to answer questions on water fluoridation, but when fluoridating the water everywhere, authorities have so far shown they can't find satisfactory answers for tough questions.
When the Victorian government fluoridated my town of Geelong, Australia in 2009, I asked them what could they do for my patients who became ill drinking fluoridated water. That was a tough question so they just answered incorrectly that fluoridated water was safe to drink. After the water was fluoridated and patients became seriously ill the government advice then was updated to tell them to stop drinking the water. That sequence of health department responses were as close to crazyness as you could get.
Government has got this whole fluoride treatment program out of control. Unlike a dentist giving fluoride treatment in the clinic where the treatment can be stopped when side-effects develop, the government treatment via the water supply can't be just stopped like that.
Once the fluoride treatment is not only coming from the kitchen tap but the shower as well and in every slice of bread side effects become endemic. People getting these side effects from fluoride now can't avoid the treatment and have died or become unwell long-term.
Government clearly don't know how to manage the health problems they have caused. There is just one answer to the question of fluoridation. And that is when they can't manage the side effects, government must just learn NOT to put any treatment like fluoride into tap water at all.
Philip Robertson, at 27 November, 2015
Fluoridated water has caused hypothyroidism for me. Once I stopped ingesting town water supply my thyroid hormone levels returned to normal. Diagnosed 8 yrs ago life is a constant battle for me avoiding foods manufactured in Australia. It has cost us in excess of $10K for the luxury of our own water supply uncontaminated by poisons (hydrofluorosilicic acid including arsenic, cadmium and lead according the Australian Drinking Water Standards), totally bizarre living in a so-called democratic country! Fortunately we are in a financial position to be able to afford this, I really feel sorry for other Australians who can't afford to do this. Sadly the solution is incredibly simple: stop adding poisons to the public water supply. People who believe ingesting arsenic-like toxic chemicals is good for their teeth can then do so if they want to. It's called having freedom of choice.
Lesley McMillan, at 30 November, 2015
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