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UK Against Fluoridation

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

USA - Fluoride no longer added to Arab’s water supply

The Arab Tribune

It took a phone call from Montgomery for Arab officials and residents to learn that Arab Water Works stopped adding fluoride to its tap water.

Granted, the Arab Water Works board of directors’ meetings are open to the public, though they are rarely attended. The water board voted 3-0 to follow manager Ted Hyatt’s recommendation to stop adding fluoride.

Arab dentist John York received a phone call a day or two after Labor Day from Dr. Robert Meador, the dental health director of the Alabama Department of Public Health.

To say that he is upset and concerned about the move, as are many local physicians, dentists, pharmacists and parents is an understatement.

“He wanted to know if I was aware that, as of Aug. 1, Arab Water Works no longer was providing community water fluoridation for its customers,” York said. “I was shocked, to say the least.”
York said he also was shocked when he contacted city officials and none of them knew anything about the change.

For more on the AWW’s action, read Wednesday’s Arab Tribune.

Reader Comments

The following are comments from the readers. In no way do they represent the view of TheArabTribune.com.
Guest wrote on Sep 15, 2015 11:16 PM:
" Yay! I'm glad to not have to be forced to consume or be exposed to water containing fluoride. We should have the freedom of choice. Genuine fluoride deficiences can be managed through taking a supplement. This would eliminate mass medicating everyone by force. There are many safety concerns regarding fluoride that most people are not aware of and there are now many dentists who no longer support adding this to water. Dr. Bill Osmunson has a video where he talks about the health risks of adding fluoride to our drinking water. Dr. Osmunson has been a full time dentist for over three decades who once supported adding fluoride to water and was at that time convinced of its health benefits. Now, he is a avid supporter of fluoride opposition. He also holds a Masters in Public Health (MPH). I found the video on Dr. Mercola's website. "

Dan Germouse wrote on Sep 16, 2015 12:25 AM:
" I have asked many forced-fluoridation fanatics to tell me how much accumulated fluoride in the body they think is safe. So far not a single one of them has been able to answer the question.
http://forcedfluoridationfreedomfighters.com/a-preliminary-investigation-into-fluoride-accumulation-in-bone/ "


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