How Fluoridated Water can cause Depression
A report, which was published in the Journal of Epidemiological and Community Health showed that researchers from the University of Kent in the United Kingdom had found that people who consume fluoridated water are much more likely than people who do not suffer from a sluggish thyroid, a chronic health condition that often results in depression and obesity.
After evaluating the number of patients with thyroid conditions at the general practitioners’ offices throughout the United Kingdom, a study which was led by Professor Stephen Peckham from the Centre for Health Services Studies, found that areas where public water is artificially fluoridated systematically had the highest number of hypothyroidism.
In the meantime, it is less common to see the prevalence of the thyroid condition in areas where tap water has been left alone. This is an affirmation on earlier researching regarding the concern on fluoride’s displacement of necessary iodine throughout the body. This means that the thyroid gland is stripped of much needed nutrients.
Professor Peckham stated that “I think it is concerning for people living in those areas. Underactive thyroid is a particularly nasty thing to have and it can lead to other long term health problems. I do think councils need to think again about putting fluoride in the water. There are far safer ways to improve dental health.”
“Synthetic fluoride chemicals destroy the thyroid gland, which regulates hormone production and every other system of your body.”
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