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UK Against Fluoridation

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Fluoridation problem for New Zealand

According to the new research 58 % of New Zealanders do not want to add industrial products to their water, even if that will be good for teeth. Most of respondents told that they perfectly aware of risks that can bring water fluoridation.

District Health Board in Hawke’s Bay provided survey about problem of fluoridation. They decided to ask random people if they support adding fluoride into water. New Zealanders in its majority want to save their water clear, without adding hazardous products inside. Some of these 58% understand that fluoride will make teeth stronger, but afraid of possible danger to the whole health.

Fluoridation is not a news for the World. It was provided in some states. For example, New Plymouth stopped fluoridation program in 2011 year, and still there is no increase of dental problems. It is also interesting, that fluoridated Hawera has bigger increase in dental decay rates than New Plymouth during the last 5 years. Experiment with fluoridation in New Plymouth shows complete failure of this program. What about other examples?

Scotland, that is very similar by its population, territory and income with New Zealand, refused to take part in fluoridation program. Instead of it they choose Childsmile dental plan in 2011 year. It is cost-saving and still very successful program, that helped to stop increase in dental decay.

Scientists in DHB assure that statistic of dental problems can be changed by providing better nutrition, supplying with free dental help to poor and educational lectures about privileges of dental hygiene.

Defender of fluoridation, Dr Rob Beaglehole, member of Nelson Marlborough DHB and New Zealand Dental Association, thinks that fluoridation should be provided in the country, without asking people.

We disagree. We want to hear your opinion about this theme.

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