Do YOU get enough of the nutrient that boosts your brain?
How you can boost your iodine intake through wide variety of foods (including ice cream!)
- Iodine is vital for the developing brain, and we need the nutrient for the production of thyroid hormones
- The recommended daily amount is 150 micrograms (mcg) for adults, but most don't manage this
- Selecting three to five of the options here should provide your recommended daily amount
Yet we are more likely to have a low intake of this crucial mineral than calcium or vitamin C.
The recommended daily amount is 150 micrograms (mcg) for adults, but most don't manage this.
The average intake for women is 140mcg, with half getting less than 130mcg, and one in 40 as little as 48mcg or less, according to the Government's National Diet and Nutrition Survey.
Men do a little better, but half still do not get their recommended daily intake.
Last week, a study in the journal Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology recommended that all pregnant women should be given iodine supplements as this could not only boost their babies' cognitive development and IQ, but save the NHS millions - iodine is vital for the developing brain.
We also need iodine for the production of thyroid hormones - when iodine levels become critically low, this can cause a swelling in the neck known as a goitre.
Goitre used to be very common, but the problem was almost eradicated when iodine supplements for cows meant we could get it from dairy products.
However, iodine deficiency is on the rise again - possibly because more people are cutting out dairy, one of the best sources, from their diets (vegetarians and vegans are most at risk of deficiency).
Some experts say mild iodine deficiency in adults may lead to sluggishness, depression and weight problems.
Iodine is found in the soil and the sea, which is why dairy products and fish are by far the two biggest sources Kelp and other seaweed can be extremely high in iodine, but experts warn that concentrated supplements may not be safe, especially for pregnant women.
Paradoxically, too much iodine causes some of the same symptoms as iodine deficiency, including goitre.
It's difficult to get enough iodine from vegetables, nuts and cereals alone, but it's perfectly possible to meet your iodine requirement as part of a balanced diet.
Selecting three to five of the options here should provide your recommended daily amount.................
Go fluoride free on your toothpaste. Fluoride inhibits absorption of iodine, that's why we have a spike in thyroid disease in areas with fluoride added to the water. I have hashimotos and I'm always reading we shouldn't take iodine supplements as it can make the destruction of the thyroid even faster. Since I've been diagnosed, I've been craving dairy, now I know why. Parents please ensure your child has their glass of milk, yoghurt , cheese and butter. There is a thyroid disease epidemic going on