UK - Somerset County Council seeks views on how oral health can be improved in the county
Somerset County Council seeks views on how oral health can be improved in the county
By WG_MGoodchild
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SOMERSET County Council is asking for people's views on how oral health can be improved throughout the county.
By WG_MGoodchild
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The council is looking for feedback on its plans to improve oral health, particularly for children and young people, after statistics showed that a quarter of all five-year-olds and a third of 12-year-olds in Somerset have dental decay.
The consultation form online asks for views on whether the council's draft strategy, the Oral Health Improvement Strategy 2015-2018, provides a clear vision for oral health improvement in Somerset, whether its recommendations are achievable and asks for any additional comments. The consultation runs until 2 May 2015.
The strategy focuses on preventative activity across Somerset and suggests the reducing intake of sugary foods, drinks, alcohol and tobacco, increasing the availability of fluoride, addressing inequalities in oral health and increasing access to dental services.
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