They talk about fluoride yet fail to mention it is a waste product contaminated with lead, arsenic and radio-active elements.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
They talk about fluoride yet fail to mention it is a waste product contaminated with lead, arsenic and radio-active elements.
this is in your toothpaste, it rots bones and teeth, dentists know this and promote it, it creates further work for their proffesion, choose an alternative unless as a parent you have no qualms about giving your children FLOUROSIS, with it their teeth rot and bones too, your dentists blame acid fruits and sugars, they have known about the truth of FLOUROSIS for decades, why wont they be honest, obviously their jobs depend on your teeth rotting faster than naturally, if it has flouride in it bin it, take the time to select flouride free toothpaste, and ask your water company have they switched to Flouride ALREADY, BLAIR CUT A DEAL WITH BUSH TO PUT FLOURIDE IN EVERYONES WATER IN THE UNITED KINGDOM, JUST BEFORE THE VOTE FOR THE LAST GULF WAR, IT ONLY MADE THE NEWS ONCE, IT IS LINKED TO VOTE SELLING IN FAVOUR OF THE WAR, COMMODITIES TRADING AND INSIDER INFORMATION PAID OUR MP'S FOR THEIR YES VOTE, THAT IS WHY PUBLIC OPINION WAS IGNORED, AND IT NEVER RATED A SECOND MENTION IN ANY MEDIA SOURCE, A labour tactic shown by stephen biars when he e-mailed burrying bad news under the horror of 9/11 would be a good idea, the solitary announcement was to tell the mp's where to invest their money the later contract award would hype shares in the stock and they would be paid money for their vote, it can all be traced electronicaly but the governments of both the united kingdom and the united states of america are so highly involved it never will be, this is not unlike the film pelican brief, who has the power to or the courage to stand against state corruption vote rigging insider dealing and war proffiteering to a presidential and prime ministerial level, . i dont mind, i am one, i got F.T.A.C. and the home offices message, shut the fook up or we lock you up and throw away the key , no court we will abuse the mental health act to do it, and also their hidden threat, where they planted another patients suicide attempt into my medical records, so should i keep shouting and typing the truth they can knock me off and make it look like suicide, it is in my notes i have tried before, wrong i haven't, fact, why type this , well if i dont and your kids teeth suffer i'm as responsible as the dentist who pushes this toxic shit on you and guilt trips you over looking after your kids teeth, and as for the bush / blair buying votes for war,. i will never let that one slide, that would leave me happy to have the blood of thousands on my hands like blair and bush, i cant be bought off and should i be found brown bread i dont carecoalition troops from around the world and hundreds of thousands of civilians have died two make two psycopaths richer than they were
Anonymous, at 19 June, 2014
AS MY LAST POST LISTED ME AS ANONYMOUS DUE TO NONE ACCEPTANCE OF MY E-MAIL ADDRESS, JUST TO PROVE I AM THE WRITTER AND WILL SPEAK OUT AND NOT HIDE BEHIND A MASK OF ANONYMITY, I AM FORMER SENIOR AIRCRAFTSMAN / MEMBER OF 16 MU R.A.F MOUNTAIN RESCUE, TRAINED AT R.A.F. AMPORT HOUSE , CHAPLAINS SCHOOL, MORAL WELFARE LEADERSHIP COURSE, NOT TO COMPROMISE MYSELF BY HIDING FACTS, Mr Robert John Hodgson, bobby to my friends and loved ones, or . as insider trading is a federal offense and also ilegal in my own country i have attempted to alert the F.B.I. AND METROPOLITAN POLICE, the flouride shares for war votes scandal, but to no avail, neither want or are allowed to verrify my theory
Anonymous, at 19 June, 2014
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