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UK Against Fluoridation

Saturday, May 19, 2012

USA - Do you want Chinese fluoride in your drinking water?

Another View - Do you want Chinese fluoride in your drinking water?
Friday, May 18, 2012
Lovely County Citizen
If you don't like being mandated to have Obama Care what do you think about being mandated to have Fluoride Care?
The Arkansas Legislature, at the very end of the last session, without any public notice, very quietly passed a law that mandates 34 water districts in Arkansas to add fluoride to drinking water. Do you know where this fluoride originates? China.

China makes it so cheaply that no one else can compete. Do you know why it is so cheap? The EPA lists Chinese fluoride as a byproduct of the Chinese phosphate fertilizer industry and the Chinese aluminum industry. They also list minerals in this fluoride.

Instead of thinking "fluoride" in my drinking water, try thinking "aluminum, lead and mercury" in my drinking water.

Do you know another reason it is so cheap? Because China does not have the consumer protection standards we have in this country. Do you want to rely on China to protect your health and the health of your children and grandchildren?

Officialdom says that when the aluminum, lead and mercury are dissolved in your drinking water the amounts are so small that they are not harmful. Think of your teenage son at football practice on a hot summer's day drinking a quart or more of water; how will his body react to this overdose of fluoride? We do not know.

Think of your aged parents drinking plenty of water; how will their aged bodies react to doses of aluminum, lead and mercury?

We do not know. What one person's body can tolerate can be harmful or fatal to another person. Adding fluoride to your water is like playing Russian Roulette with your health! .........


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