Bandon Town Council calls for full public review of fluoridation of Irish water

May 9, 2012 By Editor
MEMBERS of Bandon Town Council have passed a motion calling on Minister for Health Dr James O’Reilly to review the fluoridation of Irish water.
The move follows a presentation given to the council at its the April meeting by environmental scientist Declan Waugh.
Mr Waugh was asked to make the presentation by Labour councillor Gearoid Buckley who said, “I am pleased that councillors unanimously supported my motion calling for a full public review of the fluoridation of our water supply.
“Facts don’t lie and if the Minister grants our wish, the facts which Mr Waugh has highlighted will come to light, and I am confident the practice of poisoning our water supply will cease immediately,” he said.
Mr Waugh’s research includes a statement from the world’s top medical publication Harvards’ Department of Environmental Health’s, The Lancet Medical Journal, which states that fluoride is a Neurotoxin said Cllr Buckley.
“Furthermore the World Health Organisation (WHO) state that any country that introduce fluoridation should carry out a toxicity review.
“This toxicity report is very important, because the impact of fluoridation in Bandon and West Cork is very different to how the impact in other parts of the country.
“Cork by its geographical nature has significantly softer water, thus less calcium, and with the addition of fluoride, this calcium is reduced further.
“A toxicity report should be carried out immediately, as putting the same level of fluoride in all parts our country’s water is not in line with the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) recommendations,” he said.
Cllr Buckley said the EU have also advised governments to cease fluoridating water, yet Ireland is the only country who do not comply the recommendation.
“The seriousness of water fluoridation should not be underestimated, and I encourage everybody to read Mr Waugh’s extensive report and abreast themselves of the facts.”
The report can be downloaded from
It's time to retire fluoridation because it doesn't work, wastes money and is harmful to health. Topical application may help, but drinking it to prevent tooth decay is as foolish as drinking sunscreen to prevent sunburn. People should not be forced to consume a drug against their will.
Read the best scientific information on fluoridation in Dr. Paul Connett's book "The Case Against Fluoride," published last year. It contains many hundreds of peer reviewed studies and sound scientific reasoning showing the ineffectiveness and dangers to health from fluoride.
Also see his very informative site here (
You will see a petition at this site signed by over 4000 professionals, including hundreds of dentists, hundreds of doctors, and other medical researchers calling on governments everywhere to stop fluoridation.
There are many large scientific studies referenced there to show that drinking fluoridated water has no positive effect on cavity reduction and to show that it causes cancer, thyroid damage, broken hips from brittle bones, lowered IQ, kidney disease and other health problems.
jwillie6, at 10 May, 2012
Isn't it strange, doctors cannot force one person to take a drug, yet the government wants to force everyone to be drugged with fluoride, a prescription drug, against their will and with no medical supervision, no control over how much you consume and no treatment for side effects.
Anonymous, at 10 May, 2012
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