USA - Some blame water fluoridation for March chemical spill

.........He said his best guess was that a crack developed in a tank wall and that pressure from liquid widened the crack and eventually ruptured the tank.
Because the tank was connected by an open pipe to a twin tank nearby, both tanks emptied.
In the future, McKinney said, the connecting-pipe problem would be eliminated, sharply reducing the risk of another spill.
He said a circular wall surrounding both tanks was designed to contain the contents of one full tank but not both, based on the assumption that both tanks wouldn't empty simultaneously.
But because they did empty at the same time, about 4,000 gallons of sodium hydroxide flowed over the containment wall and down the hill toward the Escondido Humane Society.......
So, who is actually responsible for this???
Chemical Spill, at 17 August, 2012
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