UK - Daily Echo letter

HOW can the current Labour leader of Southampton say that he wouldn't push fluoride on the public when he voted twice in its favour and also suggests a referendum?
By voting in favour and considering a referendum he is essentially saying that the public would have to swallow it if it went in favour of adding this chemical.
If members of my community are ill and have to take medication I am not expected to take it as well. Why is it some people have a problem with this concept?
My doctor assesses me on consultation to decide the correct medication and I CHOOSE whether I take it or not. Please, Councillor Williams, we are meant to be living in a democracy and it is every individual's right not to be medicated against their will.
Many coincidences have masked the truth about this insidious practice. If you care about your duty to the public look beneath the surface and find out the facts please! NAME AND ADDRESS SUPPLIED.
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