Health Minister Edwin Poots is considering adding fluoride
Health Minister Edwin Poots is considering adding fluoride to water in Northern Ireland in a bid to curb the rate of tooth decay in young people.Health Minister Edwin Poots is considering adding fluoride to water in Northern Ireland in a bid to curb the rate of tooth decay in young people.
Northern Ireland has the worst oral health in the UK and young people in the region have the worst rate of dental decay in western Europe.
The DUP MLA said the public should be ashamed of their dental hygiene.
"We've failed miserably," he said, before adding that children were being allowed far too much sugary food and drink from a very early age - in some cases before the age of one year.
Mr Poots said the public needed to get to grips with dental hygiene.
On Wednesday, the first stage of a major dental research trial investigating the problem was completed.
Around 1,200 children aged 2-4 are involved in the trial, which is the first of its kind in western Europe.
Fluoride was painted on the back of the children's teeth to prevent decay and reverse existing damage, and their dental health will be monitored over a four-year period.
Michael Donaldson, Head of Dentistry at the Health Board, said a "generally poor diet" is not the only factor behind poor dental health in the region.
"There are deprivation factors and unemployment issues that make it difficult for those families to eat more healthily, to brush their teeth more frequently.
"They may not be able to afford the fluoride toothpaste frequently enough to give their kids the preventative effect," he added.
Dangerous very dangerous putting this in the water.
I lived in Holywood in the 70's and the water had fluoride in it yet my teeth and that of my parents were terrible.
Now as a adult I have never let my children use fluoride toothpaste and their teeth are perfect, not a filling or sign of decay.
They just practice good dental cleaning.
Anonymous, at 27 April, 2012
If Edwin Poots thinks that this will prevent tooth decay he needs to get his statistics somewhere else. Flouride dumbs down the population, so with the misguided hope of curing tooth decay, he will be simultaneously wrecking the intellect in Northern Ireland. Flouride is dangerous stuff, anyone with have a brain knows this. If you want to sort out tooth decay you should be dealing with the root cause - sweets and the crap that companies sell to our children. Poisoning our water supply is only exacerbating the problem. This is the dilemma we face in dealing with an uneducated bunch of buffoons in Stormont.
Anonymous, at 10 May, 2012
We have been here before Mr. Poots and the general consensus was that compulsory medication of the population is both undemocratic and extremely sinister. With the given knowledge that tooth decay is related to diet the food industry, not chemical waste, should be the first port of call Maybe its time you sought another job. Dachau seeking informed guides.
Anonymous, at 23 June, 2012
Glad to visit this blog. Very Informative blog!
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