USA - Brainwashed
Casey Anthony Trial Exclusive – A Secret You will Only Hear Here
Posted on June 26, 2011 by Henry Shivley - OR
If you flip from news channel to news channel with the exception of satellite delays it is impossible to miss a word coming out of the Casey Anthony trial in Florida. The mainstream propaganda machine is currently conducting an analysis to find out just how many mainstream media brainwashed citizens are still out there among the population. These are the people who live vicariously through soap operas, crime dramas, and reality shows. They are a blight on the collective intelligence of the population and represent a greater threat to our Constitution and Republic than Russia and China combined.
Under normal circumstances these people should be pitied as they suffer from mental abnormalities that keep them from experiencing life within the realms of reality. But these are not normal circumstances. These people are allowed to vote which allows their mental problems to cause harm to all.
July 18-19, 64 AD, the Emperor Nero fiddled as Rome burned. It is widely believed that he suffered from lead poisoning. It is no secret that fluoride, aspartame, lithium, and other mind altering substances have been deliberately put into our food and drinking water.
Not to mention the fact that virtually every mainstream doctor is now prescribing psychotropic drugs such as Wellbutrin, an antidepressant used as a stop smoking aid; Topamaz, a mood stabilizer used for migraine headaches; and Remeron, an antidepressant used as a sleep aid. Pretty much anything you go to the doctor for; you will be prescribed a psychotropic drug because the corporate pharmaceuticals are paying the doctors handsomely to push their mind dope.
They start giving this crap to our children beginning in preschool. When a three year old acts like a three year old, it is called Attention Deficit Disorder and the pharmaceutical lobotomy is administered. There has been a massive drugging of we the American people and this drugging works in coalition with the television set in every living room which broadcasts a false reality digitally on the same wave length the human brain operates on...................
Posted on June 26, 2011 by Henry Shivley - OR
If you flip from news channel to news channel with the exception of satellite delays it is impossible to miss a word coming out of the Casey Anthony trial in Florida. The mainstream propaganda machine is currently conducting an analysis to find out just how many mainstream media brainwashed citizens are still out there among the population. These are the people who live vicariously through soap operas, crime dramas, and reality shows. They are a blight on the collective intelligence of the population and represent a greater threat to our Constitution and Republic than Russia and China combined.
Under normal circumstances these people should be pitied as they suffer from mental abnormalities that keep them from experiencing life within the realms of reality. But these are not normal circumstances. These people are allowed to vote which allows their mental problems to cause harm to all.
July 18-19, 64 AD, the Emperor Nero fiddled as Rome burned. It is widely believed that he suffered from lead poisoning. It is no secret that fluoride, aspartame, lithium, and other mind altering substances have been deliberately put into our food and drinking water.
Not to mention the fact that virtually every mainstream doctor is now prescribing psychotropic drugs such as Wellbutrin, an antidepressant used as a stop smoking aid; Topamaz, a mood stabilizer used for migraine headaches; and Remeron, an antidepressant used as a sleep aid. Pretty much anything you go to the doctor for; you will be prescribed a psychotropic drug because the corporate pharmaceuticals are paying the doctors handsomely to push their mind dope.
They start giving this crap to our children beginning in preschool. When a three year old acts like a three year old, it is called Attention Deficit Disorder and the pharmaceutical lobotomy is administered. There has been a massive drugging of we the American people and this drugging works in coalition with the television set in every living room which broadcasts a false reality digitally on the same wave length the human brain operates on...................
Nevada just friday JUNE 17TH basically repealed their indoor smoking ban at least if you listen to tobacco control sources!
No doubt many more such state repeals will be forth comming.
I just find it so utterly a failure the anti-tobacco crusade. Like all movements their zest is real and their beliefs undeterred by actual science.
People who work together for the real common good, do so with the peoples rights left intact.
The second an agenda steps on people and criminalizes them they have set in motion their own movements failure. Without respecting the rights of the people a movement cannot stand!
Manipulation of science,the taking over of health depts,governmental health agencies,the stacking of politicians that favor your sides agenda.......Its anything but american and more describes a dictatorial roll rather than a constitutionally protected right to exist.
Public health and its advocates are fast becoming the most despised and hated group around the world as citizens find themselves criminalized for behavior that isnt a crime.
These ideals of such groups if left unchecked are the foundation stones of even more outlandish laws and less and less freedom for everyone.
A movement such as this can lead to world wars as we saw in the past century.......basic freedom for the basic man keeps the balance and prevents a growing hatred against such movements from spreading their ever growing hate into even bigger arenas of political life.
What drives anti-tobacco isnt just a hatred of smoking its much larger with tobacco just one of their targets,its larger than the obese people they wish to criminalize or the alcohol industry they wish to destroy..........
Their hatred goes much deeper its a hatred of american ideals,its a hatred of anything or anyone who stands in the way of their ideal world!
Its a hatred so vast and deep it has its roots in a socialistic facist way..........
The same as hitlers own party of national socialists..........while not a carbon copy of the nazis the policies are a carbon copy. The fear of such groups is the eugenics attitude such groups hold and when collected together they are the foundings of such political beliefs to surmise the national socialist movement.........
Its to this building ideology that tobacco control and their eugenics beliefs must be stopped.
Anonymous, at 27 June, 2011
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