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UK Against Fluoridation

Friday, July 09, 2010

nyscof wrote on Jul 8, 2010 7:01 AM:

Fluoride lowered in Mt. Pleasant; Kilmer remains opposed
Published: Thursday, July 08, 2010
4 comment(s) |
Sun Staff Writer
The vice mayor of the city of Mt. Pleasant does not feel it was right for the city commission to overturn a vote by the people.............

nyscof wrote on Jul 8, 2010 7:01 AM:

" The Mayor of Selmer Tennesse took his responsibility very seriously. When no agency that supplied or endorsed fluoridation would assure him of fluoridatin's safety, it effectively killed their fluoridation program.

Mayor Dave Robinson wrote in an email, "We have successfully ended
fluoridation in Selmer, based on requested information from the supplier /
manufacturer that would provide us with the NSF/ANSI Standard 60 documents
for our review, as well as a declaration from the supplier / manufacturer
that the product would comply with AWWA requirements and a declaration that
the product would, in fact, reduce tooth decay and harm no one. We sent out
34 requests for bid, with these requirements, and received no bids, only
three responses that declined to bid."

The Selmer Tennessee fluoridation documents are here: http://www.selmer-tn.com/fluoridation_arguments.htm

Actual Notice:

"To date, not one manufacturer of hydrofluosilicic acid certified by NSF International in the U.S. or Canada has been willing upon request to declare their specific product is safe and effective at fulfilling fluoridation's legislative intent." "


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