Blacks have been proven damaged about double of whites
By: Jim Schultz on 7/03/2010 8:08AM
The fluoridation issue is confusing. Yes blacks have been proven damaged about double of whites from the first fluoridation experment until today.This double damage for kidneys and dental fluorosis was noted to the CDC again in 2007 in formal ethics charges. They refused to inform blacks as requested.
The early data showed 2 to often 2.3 times more damage in enamel damage caused by a malfunction fluoride triggers in enamel formation in infants as teeth form enamel hidden in the jaw. Exposed erupted teeth are not damaged in this manor. The CDC full well knows the entire ingested benefit theory invalid but still is protecting their policy. You figure out what the motivations are. I can not. The NKF national Kidney foundation has ended their endorsement of fluoridation but not informed the public of this double risk to kidney damage yet.
The U of Michigan Burt 2007 data show clearly nearly 100% with cavities by age 5 and 83% with untreated cavities at age 14. Poor black Detroit is in a dental disaster like most inner city poor black centers. The poor or about 20 % of the population have about 80% of the cavities. Black, white ,brown or pink it seems income determines nutrition and dental services received which is the foundation of most health problems. Burt noted nutrition was the foundation problem with F-water, soda and chips the three most consumed foods. Almost missing were vegetables and fruits. The tradition of healthy home grown fresh foods is missing in most homes.
U of M also just documented blacks have significantly higher intakes of fluoride then whites this year. Old head start data had shown blacks with lower thyroid function then whites which ties in with fluoride as it is long proven to depress thyroid at doses we currently receive from fluoridation,and contaminated foods processed with fluoride water or pesticides. Mechanically deboned meats like cheap hot dogs or chicken nuggets are fluoride toxic with bone dust often. They have lots of nasty chemicals added for shelf life also. has many articles of the risks and links to data proving blacks damaged greater by fluoridation. I do not know if it is a goal but I have spoken to the local NAACP many many times with no action by them. I have been speaking to many cities at commission meetings and told Daytona Beach over a Dozen times the much greater damage to blacks of their fluoridation policy. They have seen the data as the health department has and the response was for the health department and dentists to meet in secret to plan how to silence me. Not allowing me to speak was their solution in Port Orange Fl when they discussed fluoridation.
By the way Detroit just published 1.26ppm fluoride in the last water report. This is very much on the high end but Detroit water also serves 130 total communities most not majority black.
Yes blacks are damaged greater by fluoride but in Detroit the power is in the hands of a black mayor and commission who keep fluoridation for them and mostly white suburbs. I wish my family and relative had a choice in this decision. Detroit is the only source of water for most.
By the way the EPA science unions starting in 1985 called fluoridation fraud and in growing numbers have demanded congress to halt fluoridation. 19 EPA as of 29 Feb 2008, That is a lot of whistle blowers to ignore(10,000 scientists and professionals).
Most of the world does not fluoridate and decreased cavities as much and more then the few who do. This is just another fraud for industry to get rich disposing of toxic waste. Strangely they try to make us drink it instead of directly dumping it in the rivers directly. this is a link to the newest video on fluoridation health effects with data. Please take action to protect all especially your own family.
The fluoridation issue is confusing. Yes blacks have been proven damaged about double of whites from the first fluoridation experment until today.This double damage for kidneys and dental fluorosis was noted to the CDC again in 2007 in formal ethics charges. They refused to inform blacks as requested.
The early data showed 2 to often 2.3 times more damage in enamel damage caused by a malfunction fluoride triggers in enamel formation in infants as teeth form enamel hidden in the jaw. Exposed erupted teeth are not damaged in this manor. The CDC full well knows the entire ingested benefit theory invalid but still is protecting their policy. You figure out what the motivations are. I can not. The NKF national Kidney foundation has ended their endorsement of fluoridation but not informed the public of this double risk to kidney damage yet.
The U of Michigan Burt 2007 data show clearly nearly 100% with cavities by age 5 and 83% with untreated cavities at age 14. Poor black Detroit is in a dental disaster like most inner city poor black centers. The poor or about 20 % of the population have about 80% of the cavities. Black, white ,brown or pink it seems income determines nutrition and dental services received which is the foundation of most health problems. Burt noted nutrition was the foundation problem with F-water, soda and chips the three most consumed foods. Almost missing were vegetables and fruits. The tradition of healthy home grown fresh foods is missing in most homes.
U of M also just documented blacks have significantly higher intakes of fluoride then whites this year. Old head start data had shown blacks with lower thyroid function then whites which ties in with fluoride as it is long proven to depress thyroid at doses we currently receive from fluoridation,and contaminated foods processed with fluoride water or pesticides. Mechanically deboned meats like cheap hot dogs or chicken nuggets are fluoride toxic with bone dust often. They have lots of nasty chemicals added for shelf life also. has many articles of the risks and links to data proving blacks damaged greater by fluoridation. I do not know if it is a goal but I have spoken to the local NAACP many many times with no action by them. I have been speaking to many cities at commission meetings and told Daytona Beach over a Dozen times the much greater damage to blacks of their fluoridation policy. They have seen the data as the health department has and the response was for the health department and dentists to meet in secret to plan how to silence me. Not allowing me to speak was their solution in Port Orange Fl when they discussed fluoridation.
By the way Detroit just published 1.26ppm fluoride in the last water report. This is very much on the high end but Detroit water also serves 130 total communities most not majority black.
Yes blacks are damaged greater by fluoride but in Detroit the power is in the hands of a black mayor and commission who keep fluoridation for them and mostly white suburbs. I wish my family and relative had a choice in this decision. Detroit is the only source of water for most.
By the way the EPA science unions starting in 1985 called fluoridation fraud and in growing numbers have demanded congress to halt fluoridation. 19 EPA as of 29 Feb 2008, That is a lot of whistle blowers to ignore(10,000 scientists and professionals).
Most of the world does not fluoridate and decreased cavities as much and more then the few who do. This is just another fraud for industry to get rich disposing of toxic waste. Strangely they try to make us drink it instead of directly dumping it in the rivers directly. this is a link to the newest video on fluoridation health effects with data. Please take action to protect all especially your own family.
JIm Schultz is very well informed about the ineffectiveness and dangers of fluoridation.
Tlhe most devastating effect of fluoridation is the vast increase in bone cancer in children by the time they reach their 20's. This article was published in a prestigious scientific journal a few months ago.
"Another Study Links Fluoride to Bone Cancer" (
Apr. 29, 2009
NEW YORK, -- Blood fluoride levels were significantly higher in patients with osteosarcoma than in control groups, according to research published in Biological Trace Element Research (April 2009). Osteosarcoma, a rare bone cancer, occurs mostly in children and young adults.
This reinforces a 2006 published Harvard University study by Dr. Bassin showing a link between water fluoridation and a fivefold increase in osteosarcoma in young boys.(2),2933,190977,00.html
A 1992 New Jersey Department of Health study shows osteosarcoma rates higher among young males in fluoridated vs. unfluoridated regions of New Jersey.(3)
jwillie6, at 04 July, 2010
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