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UK Against Fluoridation

Monday, June 14, 2010


FAN Bulletin 2017: Fluoride Conference for Activists.
June 13, 2010
This year's conference Organizing to Win: What works? What doesn't?, unlike our previous three Citizens' Conferences on Fluoride, is structured to help activists learn what has worked in other communities and to strengthen networking, organizational skills, and creativity among activists. This conference, and future ones, will be partially funded from The Carol Patton Fluoride Memorial Fund.

In order to attract active fluoridation fighters to attend we have decided to waive the registration fee of $50 for all those who can assure us that they have worked in some way or another in this fight over the last year. We will also do what we can to cover some of the travel and/or accommodation expenses of the key activists who are prepared to give a short presentation to the conference on their work.

Here are the online links for the conference - they are also on the homepage:

About: http://fluoridealert.org/conference.2010.html

Costs: http://fluoridealert.org/conference.2010.costs.html

Agenda: http://fluoridealert.org/conference.2010.agenda.html


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