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UK Against Fluoridation

Thursday, November 26, 2009

UK - Why add fluoride to the water supply?

Date: 25 November 2009
Pellon Lane
It always used to puzzle me: Why add fluoride to the water supply when, as recent letters to Your say from D Ward and P Owens point out, we can simply buy fluoride toothpaste?
Then I read a newspaper article by a member of the British Dental Association who explained that for fluoride to be effective in preventing tooth decay it had to be ingested because tooth enamel is not permeable.
He also explained that toothpaste manufacturers added fluoride as a marketing ploy. This does not mean that I'm in favour of fluoridation of the water supply, because I'm not qualified to know. I'm just passing the information on to Courier readers for them to make their own minds up.
I do agree with George Simpson's letter though, that too many emotive claims and the contradictory claims of Dennis Edmondson have been made and agree that we should wait for the Calderdale NHS factual report on fluoride next spring.

Colin Shaw


Rob Reynolds,25/11/2009 09:19:48
Which newspaper? Who wrote it? If this person is a dentist I will call for their immediate dismissal. Fluoride, if ingested, builds up in the body. This can result in a number of problems, mainly brittle bones in old age.

As for it being a "ploy" by toothpaste manufacturers...
they sincerely put it in toothpaste, believing the old research that it helps stop tooth decay. Then more modern research began to show it didn't. It even showed that it had an adverse impact on brain development of young children. The response of the manufacturers? Remove all research funding, sack the research scientists, bury the report and deny everything.

markwarne,halifax 25/11/2009 14:11:39
Why add fluoride to the water supply?

The answer is simple look to see who will make money out of disposing of this poisonous cr*p into the public water supply, this will tell you all you need to know.
It won't be you or me will it?
we will just pay for it and the ongoing consequences of doing it as usual.

RFH,25/11/2009 16:29:37
Just because you disagree with ONE claim by ONE person, doesn’t mean the whole argument is wrong. And, yes, some claims may be emotive; that doesn’t make them untrue or less valid.
You say you're not qualified to know, but you are qualified to decide whether or not you want to consume water that’s contaminated with an industrial waste chemical, especially when there is NO data to back up its claims yet there is ample data available to both refute the claims and provide evidence of the damage it does to humans and animals.
And whatever ‘facts’ the NHS, or anyone else for that matter, come up with, no one has a right to force medication on us in any form. As I've said many times before – fluoride is readily available in other forms, there is no justifiable reason to put it in our drinking water.


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