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UK Against Fluoridation

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

UK - Daily Echo letter

Wake up and look at the facts surrounding fluoride
IS AK Roberts (Letters, November 21) aware that (assuming AK is a man) his insignificant drop of fluoride can cause mottling of the teeth that dentists charge thousands of pounds to cover with veneers?
Would he like his children to suffer that because some other families do not teach their young to clean their teeth or eat sensibly? He mentions chlorine but that is there to treat the water. It too has its dangers, it's known to cause colon cancer but if you are aware of that and there is colon cancer in your family you can either buy a simple filter, let the water stand or boil it.
Fluoride is very different, is he aware that tonnes of Hexafluorosilicic acid contaminated with two per cent of toxic metals and trace amounts of radioactive isotopes are used to fluoridate water.
To correct some of his misinformation: Hartlepool Water supplies the highest fluoride level in the UK and
that is only 1.04 ppm so where the 25 ppm water is drunk without harm only AK Roberts knows. In countries with fluoride contaminated water, villagers suffer terrible crippling effects. Just do a Google search. The calcium fluoride in Southern Water is only .11 ppm not the .60 ppm he was told.
The figures are published on the Drinking Water Inspectorate's website. As for the Echo not publishing pro fluoridation letters perhaps they don't get many. Even some of the people connected with the PCT exposed to one sided propaganda have expressed their support for us. My advice to AK Roberts is to wake up and look at the facts.
BILL EDMUNDS, Hampshire Against Fluoridation, Cadnam.


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