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UK Against Fluoridation

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Australia - Fluoridation decision not before time

Fluoridation decision not before time
28/10/2009 11:11:00
DATE has finally been set for Ballarat to have its water fluoridated - and not before time. After a lengthy public consultation process and ample opportunity for the proponents and opponents to have their say, fluoride at a rate of one part per million will combine with our water from November 16.
The move will bring significant benefits to future generations of children in Ballarat, where we currently have a substandard record of dental health which can be directly attributed to a lack of fluoride in the water.
The history of this debate in Ballarat goes back decades. It has come and gone as an issue, mainly because successive governments were frightened off by the tactics of those who opposed the idea.
The vocal anti-fluoride movement was able to plant enough doubt in the minds of the public that the government of the day feared a backlash if it acted.
But over the years, the science has improved and many of the claims of those opposed to fluoride have been scuttled.
If we look past the scaremongering, it is clear that the science overwhelmingly supports its introduction in the interest of public health.
Our waiting lists for public dental procedures are far too long and this is in part because we have not given our teeth the best possible protection available.
For too long, we have been living with an injustice where our metropolitan counterparts have had access to a public health service that Ballarat residents have not.
At long last we will be equal, as far as our teeth go.
Even so, the anti-fluoride lobby will not be silenced. And it shouldn't necessarily be. Considered discussion from both sides is still useful.
Scaremongering, falsehoods and dodgy scientific studies, however, should not be part of that discussion.
This is not an untried, untested social experiment. Ballarat is not being asked to be guinea pigs for the rest of the nation.
In other parts of the country, residents have been drinking fluoridated water for generations without consequence.
On that basis, we know that Ballarat will be better off for having fluoride in its water.

Those promoting fluoridation simply refuse to read the current research showing it is ineffective and dangerous to health. Go to (www.fluoridealert.org) and read several scientific articles. Read the letter from Dr. Hardy Limeback ( DDS, PhD Biochemistry) --- Head, Preventive Dentistry, University of Toronto entitled "Why I am now officially opposed to adding fluoride to drinking water" He was the principal research advisor to the Canadian Dental Asociation for over 10 years in promoting fluoridation. His letter is an apology to other dentists and the public. Over 140 Research studies listed, including: Increased risk of bone cancer -- 13 studies Lead, arsenic, radium contaminants causing toxic water -- 10 studies Link with fluoride and other cancer -- 12 Fluoride causes birth defects -- 5 Etc. Also see the petition signed by over 2600 professionals opposing fluoridation.
Posted by jwillie6, 29/10/2009 1:45:25 AM

The National Research Council’s 507-page report on Fluoride in water: The results are as follows: “1 Moderate dental fluorosis is an adverse health effect occurring at fluoride levels of 0.7–1.2 mg/L, the levels of water fluoridation. “2 The Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Level (LOAEL) for bone fractures is at least as low as 1.5 mg/L and may be lower than this figure. “3 Stage II and Stage III skeletal fluorosis may be occurring at levels less than 2 mg/L. “4 Stage I skeletal fluorosis, arthritis clinically manifested as pain and stiffness in joints, is an adverse health effect which may be occurring with a daily fluoride intake of 1.42 mg/day, which exceeds the amount the average person obtains in their diet in non-fluoridated areas. The Maximum Contaminant Level Goal (MCLG) should be zero. “5 Decreased thyroid function is an adverse health effect, particularly to individuals with inadequate dietary iodine. These individuals could be affected with a a daily fluoride dose of 0.7 mg/day
Posted by steve7676, 29/10/2009 4:25:48 AM

This editorial is a crock. It only serves to support corporate control of people's lives. Fluoridation is a false prophet. In the US, the state of Kentucky has the highest rate of fluoridated communities within its borders. According to state records, Kentucky also has the highest number of people with dentures. When will policymakers stop the pandering that fluoridation is a net plus? Citizens are being used a filters for corporate polluters. Research the origin of the fluoride; it comes directly from the waste bins to your water supply. Outrageous behavior.
Posted by greenguy, 29/10/2009 11:48:41 AM


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