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UK Against Fluoridation

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Australia - Fluoride issue a no brainer

Fluoride issue a no brainer
Greg Punshon
Saturday, February 7, 2009
The Cairns Post
Debate is often hijacked
FLUORIDE in our water. It`s coming and I`m scared. No, I`m not scared of a build-up of poisons in my system turning me green overnight, I`m scared the of the plethora of instant experts and the mass mailings of the anti-fluoride lobby. I don`t deny anyone the right to have their say, but unfortunately the fluoride debate has spawned an industry where there are those who want their say to the exclusion of anyone else. Having lived and worked in three states, I`ve been through the fluoride debate on many occasions. I`ve also been through numerous other debates about compulsory medications such as vaccinations, but nowhere have the antis been as strident in their campaigns as those associated with the fluoride issue. The proof of the pudding, if you like, is in the eating and those who deal with the eating and its results are the dentists. And our dentists are very, very heavily in favour of fluoridated water to prevent tooth decay. Don`t forget dentists make a lot of money out of filling decayed teeth, but they still believe in its efficacy. If fluoridated water was such a serious health concern, why are there not hundreds of people in Australia dying from fluoride poisoning every year? Fluoride, like hundreds of other substances in our food, is toxic if wrongly or over-used. And as for the issue of choice, if you are so scared of fluoride there is always tank or bottled water.

Turning green overnight - who said he would? Plethora of instant experts - I suppose he isn't one?


  • Yeah, because everyone can live off bottled water, bath in it and / or access tank water so easily when travelling and definitely just get a tank instantly, regardless on their specific demand.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 September, 2010  

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