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UK Against Fluoridation

Saturday, February 07, 2009


BRICKBATS: To those employees at the Bellaire water department who mistakenly poured acid into the village's water supply instead of fluoride.
Forty pounds of hydrochloric acid were added to Bellaire's water supply Sunday after a supplier shipped the wrong chemical and the filtration system crew mistook the containers for fluoride.
The mistake was discovered Monday morning when workers noticed fluoride levels were lower than normal. Workers flushed the system of the acid, and by Tuesday, water service for residents was back to normal. No injuries were reported.
The chemical drums were labeled, said Janet Barth regional manager with the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency's Division of Drinking and Ground Waters.
"Common sense is, you need to look at the drum before you hook it up," she said.
Hopefully the water company employees responsible will use more common sense in the future.


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