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UK Against Fluoridation

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

USA - The Foundation funds emergency dental program

The Emergency Dental Care Initiative serves poverty-level and low income population of Lycoming County.
According to school nurse for East Lycoming School District, Audrey Gabriel, "Pennsylvania's schools are mandated to ensure that children have dental exams performed in kindergarten or first grade and again in the third and seventh grades. These dental screenings are intended as a general inspection of the mouth to observe oral health problems and to establish priorities for subsequent comprehensive dental exams and treatments as needed.

"As part of the exam, the dentist ranks each child on priority and those needing urgent attention and meeting the program's income guidelines are referred," Gabriel added.
Participating school nurses report the critical impacts of poor dental care on children include increased absence from school due to dental pain, negative effects on social well-being at school and low self-esteem. In addition, severe dental problems cause nutritional problems, slow growth and behavior and attention problems.
"It is amazing to see the change in the patients after treatment. Most of the patients have had ongoing, recurring pain and discomfort - that just becomes normal to them. After having their work done, they realize just how uncomfortable and sometimes unwell, that their teeth were making them feel," said Lora Malloy of West Branch Dental Group, which treats many of the patients in the area served by the grant..........

Williamsport, Pennsylvania is fluoridated:NYSCOF


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