Australia - Fluoride results a myth?
Fluoride results a myth?
13/08/2008 12:12:00 PM
FROM where originated the idea that fluoride minimised tooth decay?
In 1955 a research dentist by the name of Dean used selective data (results from only 21 of the 293 cities he investigated) to promote his ‘fantasy’ that fluoride reduced tooth decay.
That is despite the fact that the other 272 cities results proved otherwise.
During his two years of fame and glory many dental researchers tried to obtain the same result but were unsuccessful.
Dean’s idea that fluoride reduced dental cavities became highly suspicious.
In 1957 he was forced to admit his wrongdoing and subsequently found guilty in a court of law.
Furthermore he had to admit to the American Medical Association that water containing as little as 0.1 part per million (ppm) could cause dental fluorisis.
But as they say, ‘never let the truth stand in the way of a good story’ (Kellner-Read B. Tox Bite p90 2002).
Dr McInerney’s letter suggests 1ppm of fluoride be added to our water supply to reduce dental decay (as the guilty Dr Dean suggested also), however, the grave error here is believing that water is our only source of fluoride.
What if we’re drinking diet Coke (1.12mg/litre), tea (4.57mg/litre), inter alia, and using toothpaste (15ppm) on a daily basis–danger.
Fluoride is used in rat poisoning.
In the US there are health warnings on all toothpaste tubes containing fluoride.
Vets warn not to use fluoride on our pets as they could die.
Make your own decision whether fluoride is good for you.
And now we’re on the topic of getting sick, I hope Dr McInerney doesn’t fill those two-year-old’s dental cavities with amalgam.
Amalgam is a mercury alloy.
Mercury is the second most toxic substance to the human body and those of us with health problems or becoming a bit long in the tooth won’t have an immune system to cope with such toxicity.
Furthermore, a couple of decades ago there was a very forward thinking elderly dentist in Kalamunda who set up a dental hygiene school.
His father was also a dental professional originating from Germany.
Dr Graebner offered free treatments to any of his patients who turned up with cavities after he had taught them to brush and floss properly.
Because if you clean and brush your gnashers correctly you shouldn’t get dental cavities.
Along with this he was an opponent to spending thousands of dollars on dental health research (wasting public money) when our kids are guzzling sugar.
13/08/2008 12:12:00 PM
FROM where originated the idea that fluoride minimised tooth decay?
In 1955 a research dentist by the name of Dean used selective data (results from only 21 of the 293 cities he investigated) to promote his ‘fantasy’ that fluoride reduced tooth decay.
That is despite the fact that the other 272 cities results proved otherwise.
During his two years of fame and glory many dental researchers tried to obtain the same result but were unsuccessful.
Dean’s idea that fluoride reduced dental cavities became highly suspicious.
In 1957 he was forced to admit his wrongdoing and subsequently found guilty in a court of law.
Furthermore he had to admit to the American Medical Association that water containing as little as 0.1 part per million (ppm) could cause dental fluorisis.
But as they say, ‘never let the truth stand in the way of a good story’ (Kellner-Read B. Tox Bite p90 2002).
Dr McInerney’s letter suggests 1ppm of fluoride be added to our water supply to reduce dental decay (as the guilty Dr Dean suggested also), however, the grave error here is believing that water is our only source of fluoride.
What if we’re drinking diet Coke (1.12mg/litre), tea (4.57mg/litre), inter alia, and using toothpaste (15ppm) on a daily basis–danger.
Fluoride is used in rat poisoning.
In the US there are health warnings on all toothpaste tubes containing fluoride.
Vets warn not to use fluoride on our pets as they could die.
Make your own decision whether fluoride is good for you.
And now we’re on the topic of getting sick, I hope Dr McInerney doesn’t fill those two-year-old’s dental cavities with amalgam.
Amalgam is a mercury alloy.
Mercury is the second most toxic substance to the human body and those of us with health problems or becoming a bit long in the tooth won’t have an immune system to cope with such toxicity.
Furthermore, a couple of decades ago there was a very forward thinking elderly dentist in Kalamunda who set up a dental hygiene school.
His father was also a dental professional originating from Germany.
Dr Graebner offered free treatments to any of his patients who turned up with cavities after he had taught them to brush and floss properly.
Because if you clean and brush your gnashers correctly you shouldn’t get dental cavities.
Along with this he was an opponent to spending thousands of dollars on dental health research (wasting public money) when our kids are guzzling sugar.
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