Symptoms point to fluoride reaction
Symptoms point to fluoride reaction
To the Editor:
My sister moved to Schuylkill Haven during the summer of 2002. Three years later, she awoke with chest pains, and the entire right side of her body became numb. Her face drooped and her words didn’t come out right. She was having symptoms of a stroke, and was rushed to the hospital, but tests conclusively showed that she did not have a stroke or heart attack.
The doctors were puzzled. She was released after a 24-hour hospital stay with no answers. As time went by, she began to develop all-over body pain, short-term memory loss, vision changes, tremors, depression and myriad other symptoms. That’s when she started a one-year nightmare of painful and uncomfortable tests to try to find an answer for her symptoms.
The doctors were sure she had multiple sclerosis, but testing did not support that opinion. Unable to commit to a diagnosis, the neurologists simply said, “Well, we’re just not sure. It could take a couple of years for the MS to actually show up in the spinal fluid. Come back in a few years and we’ll retest.”
She didn’t have a few of years. She had deteriorated to the point of being within weeks of becoming wheelchair-bound. In the meantime, I started extensive research to try to find answers. Finally, I hit on something: All of her symptoms pointed to fluoride hypersensitivity. And I discovered that the Schuylkill Haven Borough adds fluoride to the municipal water supply.
She immediately stopped drinking the fluoridated municipal water and she started to recover, slowly at first, then at a faster rate. Finally, she reached about 90 percent recovery, and she most likely won’t get any better than that. But it’s a far cry better than what I’m positive would have ended up as total disability or death.
Her symptoms do not reappear for the most part unless she has consumed a product that has been made with fluoridated water. However, accidentally ingesting a product made with fluoridated water is easier than catching a cold by rolling around in the virus itself. I had no idea that fluoridation of community water supplies was so widespread. It is extremely difficult to find even a loaf of commercially made bread that’s been made with non-fluoridated water.
When you add products made with fluoridated water to drinking the stuff right from the tap, you have the perfect scenario for overdose.
The American Dental Association has done a bit of backpedaling on the fluoridation issue in respect to babies under the age of 1. Buried in its Web site, you will find the ADA’s recommendation to use non-fluoridated water to mix infant formula. The ADA also states, “Unless advised to do so by a dentist or other health professional, parents should not use fluoride toothpaste for children less than two years of age.” Why? I’m guessing because swallowing too much fluoride is dangerous.
I am now taking an active part in fighting fluoridation in the United States. I’m hoping this letter will encourage people to find out more about the negative effects fluoridation has on a person’s health. There is a ton of information on the Web, but you only have to go as far as your toothpaste tube to see for yourself that fluoride might not be a good thing. My tube has this warning: “If you accidentally swallow more than used for brushing, get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center right away.”
This is the short version of my experience with fluoride and my thoughts concerning it. There is not enough space for the rest of the story. But think about this: How many people have been diagnosed with MS, fibromyalgia, Alzheimer’s disease, ADD, ADHD and other neurological afflictions when the culprit could actually be fluoride?
I’m not claiming that all neurological disorders stem from fluoride use, and I know that not every person will develop the sensitivity to fluoride that my sister has, but it does seem strange to me that the new cases of these neurological disorders grow as fluoridation increases.
Coincidence? I don’t think so. Not anymore.
Jennifer Hoy
Schuylkill Haven
To the Editor:
My sister moved to Schuylkill Haven during the summer of 2002. Three years later, she awoke with chest pains, and the entire right side of her body became numb. Her face drooped and her words didn’t come out right. She was having symptoms of a stroke, and was rushed to the hospital, but tests conclusively showed that she did not have a stroke or heart attack.
The doctors were puzzled. She was released after a 24-hour hospital stay with no answers. As time went by, she began to develop all-over body pain, short-term memory loss, vision changes, tremors, depression and myriad other symptoms. That’s when she started a one-year nightmare of painful and uncomfortable tests to try to find an answer for her symptoms.
The doctors were sure she had multiple sclerosis, but testing did not support that opinion. Unable to commit to a diagnosis, the neurologists simply said, “Well, we’re just not sure. It could take a couple of years for the MS to actually show up in the spinal fluid. Come back in a few years and we’ll retest.”
She didn’t have a few of years. She had deteriorated to the point of being within weeks of becoming wheelchair-bound. In the meantime, I started extensive research to try to find answers. Finally, I hit on something: All of her symptoms pointed to fluoride hypersensitivity. And I discovered that the Schuylkill Haven Borough adds fluoride to the municipal water supply.
She immediately stopped drinking the fluoridated municipal water and she started to recover, slowly at first, then at a faster rate. Finally, she reached about 90 percent recovery, and she most likely won’t get any better than that. But it’s a far cry better than what I’m positive would have ended up as total disability or death.
Her symptoms do not reappear for the most part unless she has consumed a product that has been made with fluoridated water. However, accidentally ingesting a product made with fluoridated water is easier than catching a cold by rolling around in the virus itself. I had no idea that fluoridation of community water supplies was so widespread. It is extremely difficult to find even a loaf of commercially made bread that’s been made with non-fluoridated water.
When you add products made with fluoridated water to drinking the stuff right from the tap, you have the perfect scenario for overdose.
The American Dental Association has done a bit of backpedaling on the fluoridation issue in respect to babies under the age of 1. Buried in its Web site, you will find the ADA’s recommendation to use non-fluoridated water to mix infant formula. The ADA also states, “Unless advised to do so by a dentist or other health professional, parents should not use fluoride toothpaste for children less than two years of age.” Why? I’m guessing because swallowing too much fluoride is dangerous.
I am now taking an active part in fighting fluoridation in the United States. I’m hoping this letter will encourage people to find out more about the negative effects fluoridation has on a person’s health. There is a ton of information on the Web, but you only have to go as far as your toothpaste tube to see for yourself that fluoride might not be a good thing. My tube has this warning: “If you accidentally swallow more than used for brushing, get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center right away.”
This is the short version of my experience with fluoride and my thoughts concerning it. There is not enough space for the rest of the story. But think about this: How many people have been diagnosed with MS, fibromyalgia, Alzheimer’s disease, ADD, ADHD and other neurological afflictions when the culprit could actually be fluoride?
I’m not claiming that all neurological disorders stem from fluoride use, and I know that not every person will develop the sensitivity to fluoride that my sister has, but it does seem strange to me that the new cases of these neurological disorders grow as fluoridation increases.
Coincidence? I don’t think so. Not anymore.
Jennifer Hoy
Schuylkill Haven
Searching for fluoride and its negative effects, I ran across your blog. I have to say I agree 100% with what you have said. I'm sorry to hear that your sister and you had to find out in such a horrible situation, and I'm glad to hear that she was able to fend most of it away. I live in Maryland, U.S.A. and it is such an epidemic here, but yet nobody knows it. I hope that your word, plus my word, plus all the other words will finally get people's eyes to open!
Jenny Bell, at 05 March, 2008
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