USA _ Clearing up ‘misinformation’ spread by foes of fluoridation

Marjorie Warner, guest columnist
Thursday, December 6, 2007
I am a medical student who recently researched the fluoridation of public water systems for a scientific paper I had to write for one of my courses. As a member of the scientific community, I am disheartened by the few outlandish remarks that too often end up getting all the press associated with important health issues which obscure and distort the truth of the matter.
In each of the more than 50 scientific articles I read from researchers across the globe and including those at the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and U.S. National Institute of Health, it was found that fluoride, specifically hydrofluorosilic acid, does not cause any degree of systemic disease when released in controlled amounts into a public water system.
The only effect an excessive amount of fluoride can cause is a cosmetic effect of dental fluorosis, in which certain teeth may obtain a mottled appearance with some areas being a brighter white than others. This only occurs if very large amounts of fluoride are consumed, which would not occur with the controlled addition of fluoride to a public water system.
I would like to address some of the misinformation in a Dec. 1 letter, “Vote no to add ‘poisonous’ chemical to water.”
First, fluoride is not meant to harden teeth, so I suppose the contributor was correct in saying fluoride does not do this. Fluoride is meant to become incorporated into plaque (which forms naturally on teeth) and inhibit the metabolism of bacteria (also present naturally) that cause dental caries (cavities). This is the basis for the use of fluoride in toothpaste; which raises the obvious question: If fluoride were such a dangerous toxin, would we so readily buy it and use it to clean our teeth on a daily basis? I’ll let you decide that answer for yourself.
Second, dental fluorosis was incorrectly defined. It is not a corrosive disease of the teeth, but rather a color change of the enamel that can occur, once again, only with ingestion of extremely high levels of fluoride. In fact, the studies I read cited that a person is more likely to get this cosmetic annoyance with the accidental ingestion of toothpaste, as occurs often in young children, rather than by the ingestion of fluoridated water.
Third, I do not know what sources (the letter writer) used to state that countries across Europe have denied fluoridation of water systems. The exact opposite of this is true. Laws have been passed in England and Italy, and outside of Europe in Australia, Brazil, and India, just to name a few, to allow fluoridation of public water systems to occur.
The few individuals who oppose fluoridation are obviously basing their information on non-proven, non-scientific, non-reproducible data, which is why they have to harken to the emotional strings of the reader, implying that parents are giving their children cancer if they vote for fluoridation. Such methods are offensive and reproachable in any intelligent, civilized society.
I read a few of the remarks online in response to the anti-fluoridation letter, and was most disappointed in the defeatist attitude of some who responded with the idea that if our water system isn’t fluoridated we all can simply get a prescription for fluoride supplements from our dentist or buy toothpaste to brush our teeth with.
I would like to ask that writer if he or she has been in a public health clinic recently, and seen children and adults with such severe dental disease that they have actually become infected with bacteria in their bloodstream. Those among us who are not able to afford dental checkups or even toothpaste do not have the luxury of choosing from a menu of proper dental-health procedures.
This is in my mind the most appalling aspect of those who oppose the public health intervention of fluoridation of public water systems. Can they not see that they are blocking the equitable distribution of resources and in fact contributing to the worsening health of the uninsured, the underserved, in a phrase, those who need the help the most?
I urge anyone who reads this to not give in to scare tactics. Take a stand for those in our community who do not have the resources to take time off work to come to a town hall meeting and plead for the equitable distribution of preventative dental health measures through the inexpensive and non-harmful method of fluoridation of a water system.
Vote yes for fluoridation, a vote not only for a more equitable distribution of preventive dental care, but for healthier children, who will grow to become healthier adults, leading a healthier community overall.
Warner, whose family lives in Stuart, is a second-year medical student at Florida State University.
Are we all now reassured?
I ashamed that our medical schools are turning out such misinformed physicians
FluorideNews, at 07 December, 2007
Someone please refer this young lady to the York Review, who I dare say did a more in-depth study of reports over the 50 years of fluoridation. They did not find any proof of safety or efficacy in fluoridation methods - and to compare clinical fluoride as found in toothpaste with the muck that comes from the phosphate factories, hydrofluorosilicic acid, is beyond laughable.
BTW, Bill, I get daily google updates for fluoride and fluoridation. Lately, it seemed that for some inexplicable reason the tide of public opinion for fluoride and articles pro-fluoridation were gaining an upper hand and appearing more often. Now I realise that it is partially because you and others are posting pro-fl articles (obviously to highlight their ridiculousness) but only the headlines appear in the search... So, please preface your items with something like:"...another fine mess from the pro-fl lobby" or similar, so that we know we really are winning this battle for common sense in the health conciousness.Thanks.
EUES Ireland, at 08 December, 2007
I share an earlier poster's shock that a medical student's paper ignores the valid science that holds fluoride is an endocrine disrupter. It's obvious this student's bias prevents a fair review of the safety of fluoride.
For a review of some of the harm visited on communities that add this poison to water, please read:
Douglas, at 16 December, 2007
Fluoride in toothpaste acts no better than any antiseptic in cleaning mouth and teeth bacteria. The problem comes when fluoride is swallowed into the blood, where it incorporates into bone and the brain's pineal gland. In racehorses who drink 30 gallons of water daily and more in the hot southwest whre ranchers use city water, their strained bones will be the first to expect to risk breakage, also depending on breeding of course. Since water fluoridation began in So CA two years ago we have had a pricipitous rise in lethal bone breaks at Santa Anita, Hollywood Park, and Del Mar. These horses have no choice but to drink the water they are given, or drink no water at all. Then they are raced to death. Watch the youtube video by Dr. Kennedy 'fluoride poisoned horses'. The horses that were killed were owned by ranchers from CA who moved to CO and did not realize city water was unacceptable for horses. If it weren't for their mistake, we would still be fumbling around thinking like this medical student, that 'all is well with fluoridation'. You would think she would have seen the Gessner New England Journal of Medicine article where 302 people were poisoned by fluoridated water that corroded a water pump. One 40 year old had a fluoride induced calcium deficient heart attack. Sadly, many physicians are not trained about the role of blood calcium in being the sole coupler of electrical excitation with mechanical coupling in the heart. The heart does not store its own calcium as does skeletal muscle. When blood fluoride reaches about 0.1 mM (1.9 ppm), the blood calcium is lowered enough to prevent heart contraction. The softer the city's water, the more pronounced the action of artificial fluorides because they are assimilated best in soft water. Typically blood fluoride desired by the dental lobbyists at the CDC is 0.1 ppm. But of course fluoride has no nutritional value of any kind and does not belong in any organism's blood.
Dr. Richard Sauerheber
Richard Sauerheber, Ph.D., at 27 July, 2009
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