Alaska - Sugar not lack of fluoride causes decay.

by Rhonda McBride
Thursday, May 3, 2007
ANCHORAGE, Alaska -- Sugar: the smoking gun for tooth decay in rural Alaska. When it was first introduced in the Bush, people had no idea that it would take only a few generations to turn the healthiest teeth in the world into some of the worst.
On the Kuskokwim River in June the modern world fades away and it's a time to get a taste of what it was like, long ago when people lived off the land. Last summer was hard on John Active. He couldn't eat dry salmon, not very well anyway. In preparation for dentures he had all his teeth pulled. "I never had nobody tell me to brush my teeth. I never saw young people brushing their teeth when I was growing up," Active said.
Active's world as a boy was very different from the world of children today. Back then parents talked a lot about surviving off the land, not about teeth. "They never talked about it. I heard of one guy up in the village, Tundra. He used to brush his teeth. I don't know. He was a store keeper. And he used to brush his teeth with charcoal. The only guy I ever heard of brushing his teeth," Active said.
If you came to fish camp a hundred years ago, you wouldn't see children brushing their teeth. Yet they had good teeth. New York dentist Dr. Leuman Waugh's made that discovery when he traveled to the Arctic in the ‘20s and ‘30s. Waugh was working on teeth and doing research when he came to the conclusion that the more traditional foods the locals ate the better their teeth were. In a 1930 newspaper article he is quoted as saying, "Of all races, the teeth of the Eskimo are most excellent. Where they eat Native foods, their teeth are less likely to decay of any known race. But when they eat our sweets and starches, their misery begins."
Two videos well worth watching - Anchorage Alaska's water supply is fluoridated to 1.42 parts per million: NYSCOF
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