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UK Against Fluoridation

Friday, March 16, 2007

USA - Letter

To the editor:
Recently there have been a few letters and editorials praising the effectiveness and safety of fluoride introduced into our public water supply. We question this procedure of fluoridation for several reasonings.
In the past, the prestigious American Dental Association was a total advocate of fluoride whatever the source with some transparent thoughts about a daily safe amount.
In November 2006, they issued a warning to its members that fluoridated water should not be used in mixing formula for babies one year old and younger. It appears that if the baby is 366 days old, it is OK. We wonder how many of our local dentists and doctors have advised their patients of this directive. Has our water department considered inserting a letter with the bills with this caveat?
Our question to the American Dental Association is, should pregnant women be drinking fluoridated water? If it's bad for babies, how about babies to be.
In the same alert, the ADA suggested the children 2 years old and younger not brush their teeth with toothpaste that contains fluoride. Apparently, the day after their second birthday, it's all right. It should be noted that Orajel has started to market "toddler training toothpaste that is a fluoride-free and safe to swallow." The word "safe" has a certain significance to us.
The healthiest country in the world is Sweden. Fluoride has been banned from their drinking water by an act of parliament. This ban was due, in part, to the efforts of Dr. Arvid Carlson, pharmacologist and Nobel Prize winner, who conducted an exhaustive study on the product and concluded that fluoride has many negative side effects. It should be noted that the United States spends more per capita on health care than any other country in the world yet ranks poorly on the list of "healthy nations."
Our intent is not to use scare tactics as a recent letter writer indicated but to question.
How many prescription medications have been introduced and sanctioned by the Federal Drug Administration only to be withdrawn from the market place after finding out they caused more health problems then beneficial effects? Let's face it, our governmental watchdog agencies have made many egregious errors in the past.
Judging from the quantities of jugs and bottles of spring water that are being sold in our stores, it appears that many people are dissatisfied with the taste of our local water.
Let's get this product, be categorized a medicine or a skull and cross bones poison, our of our water supply.

David and Donna Lee Robinson
North Attleboro


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