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UK Against Fluoridation

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Australia - rat poison

* That council provide 14 days public notice of the proposed commencement date for fluoridation of Mudgee and Gulgong water supplies and that the notices have information which includes rate of fluoride dose, type of fluoride used, parents to check fluoride content of baby formulae before mixing with town water and parents to ensure children do not use fluoride supplements such as toothpaste or mouthwash.

* That following the introduction of fluoridation to Mudgee and Gulgong water supplies, council ceases to supply unfluoridated water at all council offices, meeting rooms and depots in the shire.

Cr Moore says the public has a democratic right to know when their water supplies will be dosed with 'rat poison' and to make other arrangements for their drinking water.


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