The Nuffield Council on Bioethics - Sounds scary
The working party will also look at whether fluoride should be added to water to protect teeth, and if vaccination programmes should become compulsory.
In France and the US children are required to be vaccinated against certain infections before they can enrol for school.
There has been a dramatic increase in mumps in the UK following the fall in the MMR vaccination rate after the jab was linked to autism eight years ago.
'Culture change'
But perhaps the most controversial issue will be the consideration given to restricting care or demanding greater contributions from those who smoke or drink excessively.
Professor Montgomery added: "The key question we have to consider is - is it justified to restrict individual choices to protect society? We want to hear what everyone thinks."
In France and the US children are required to be vaccinated against certain infections before they can enrol for school.
There has been a dramatic increase in mumps in the UK following the fall in the MMR vaccination rate after the jab was linked to autism eight years ago.
'Culture change'
But perhaps the most controversial issue will be the consideration given to restricting care or demanding greater contributions from those who smoke or drink excessively.
Professor Montgomery added: "The key question we have to consider is - is it justified to restrict individual choices to protect society? We want to hear what everyone thinks."
Its not compulsory here Bill Vaccination but babies are having about 25 different chemical vaccinations (many of them multiples)before they are 5 months old..(Australia) In New Zealand it is before ONE MONTH. Unbelivable.
Middle Child, at 20 May, 2006
Many of the cases of mumps I have seen in my practice have been in teenagers who have been vaccinated with the MMR jab when they were younger.
For ten years the powers that be have warned us that a measles epidemic was about to happen but it never has.
Too many scare tactics are being used to frighten the public whether it be SARS, CJD, measles or bird flu.
Anonymous, at 21 May, 2006
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