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UK Against Fluoridation

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Kids Fluoride Overdosed, Gov't Reports

American Children are Fluoride Overdosed -
Formula Fed Infants Most At Risk

New York – September 3, 2005 -- The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that 1/3 of six to nineteen year-olds are fluoride overdosed and display dental fluorosis - white spotted, yellow or brown and sometimes pitted or crumbly teeth. (A) Over 42% are afflicted if the CDC’s "questionable" category is included. (B)

In 1945, dentists projected water fluoridation would create fluorosis (discolored teeth) in 10% of the population in its mildest form – white spots. But now, according to the CDC, not only do 1/3 of six – nineteen-year-olds suffer from fluoride overdose, but 4% of it is severe fluorosis – yellow or brown stained and/or pitted or crumbly teeth, which actually decays faster than healthy dentition. Fluorosis occurs more often in blacks (42% see table 20) who also have the highest tooth decay rates (43% of 2 – 11 year-olds). (B)

“Since blacks have the most dental fluorosis and the most cavities, if anything, this report shows fluoride is an ineffective cavity fighter,” says lawyer Paul Beeber, President, New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation.
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