From Paul Connett
Here is the letter I sent the NYT yesterday - twice - neither were acknowledged so I am assuming it will not be published. FAN and our supporters are left trying to educate the American public alone.
Dear Editor,
It is sad that the Times has spent more column inches on this story, “Ancorage mayor briefly shut off fluoride in City’s water system” (Dec 17) than it has on US government-funded studies that have linked fluoride exposure to IQ loss in fluoridated communities in Canada (Green, 2019 and Till 2020). These 2 studies are among 19 that have reported IQ loss associated with fluoride exposure between 2017 and 2021.
Without the public being informed on these serious findings pregnant women and parents who bottle-feed their infants are not being warned to avoid fluoridated water. Meanwhile, fluoridation promoters are blatantly ignoring this science and charging ahead with the expansion of fluoridation programs around the world. A few weeks ago the NZ parliament voted in mandatory fluoridation for the whole country and the UK House of Commons has done the same – only the House of Lords stands in the way.
Will the Times please sound the alarm on this matter which threatens the mental development of our children and do a professional job of following the science on this issue?
Paul Connett, PhD
Director of the Fluoride Action Network,
and co-author of The Case Against Fluoride (Chelsea Green 2010)
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