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UK Against Fluoridation

Thursday, December 31, 2020

F.A.N. Newsletter

 First, on behalf of the whole FAN team we would like to wish all our supporters and their families a very happy and safe New Year. We would also like to thank all who have donated so generously to help fund our efforts to end fluoridation. The best way we can reward your continued confidence in our legal, organizational and educational efforts will be to win the TSCA trial in 2021. Some news on that now.

Our Federal Court TSCA trial against the EPA will resume on Jan 7, 2021. We will publish the details on how to join the zoom call early next week. Meanwhile, yesterday, working with Jay Sanders Michael selected more excerpts from the videotaped testimony of CDC…. And puts the testimony into context. Here is his new video:

Looking for a cartoonist. One of our favorite cartoons – which we used again this year - is of the little frog strangling a heron while being swallowed: “Never Give Up!” We are looking for a cartoonist to do a happy sequel to this cartoon: a happy frog sitting safely on the ground with the frustrated and defeated heron flying away. Any takers? We would like to use this for new Year’s Day and for any other victory we achieve in 2021. We would be happy to have more than one to share with you.  Meanwhile, we found this on the internet:

We do not have the name of the photographer and if anyone knows please let us know.  Meanwhile, in our fundraiser we are still some way from our goal of raising $120,000 for our 2021 budget by midnight (PT) tonight, but like the little frog, we are "hanging on."

An update on our fundraiser. We had the best day yesterday of the whole fundraiser.  Our current totals stand at $82,006 from 557 supporters.

Our sixth super-angel has agreed to double all donations up to a total of $500 today and will add another $500 if we can reach 600 supporters by midnight (PT) tonight. So please consider making donations in the names of other friends and family members. Remember all donations are tax-deductible in the USA, so please consider giving a contribution to FAN instead of uncle Sam!

How to Make a Tax-Deductible Donation

  • Online, using our secure server.
  • If you should experience difficulty in donating online please email: Ellen@fluoridealert.org
  • Or by Check, payable to the Fluoride Action Network. Mail your check to:

Fluoride Action Network
c/o Connett
104 Walnut Street
Binghamton NY 13905

News on the premiums and auctions:

  1. The highest bid for the last remaining pack of “50 Reasons” to be signed by designer Chris Neurath is $1006. Bids close at 4 pm (NYT) and the winner will be announced at our FAN zoom party at 5 pm (NYT) today (details below). Your bid should end in 6, $16, 26, ….
  2. The highest bid for the CD of Beethoven’s last three piano sonatas played by The Case Against Fluoride co-author Spedding Micklem is $504.  Bids close at 4 pm (NYT) and the winner will be announced at our FAN zoom party at 5 pm (NYT) today (details below). Bids should end in 4 (i.e. $14, 24…).
  3. No bids yet for the two remaining coffee mugs sporting the legend “Fluoride: Not in My Coffee.” To identify your bid for these items your donation should end in 3 (see above).
  4. Any bid of $7, 17, 27, 37 etc. will secure you a signed copy (by Paul Connett) of the book The Case Against Fluoride
  5. Any bid of $8, 18, 28, 38 etc. will secure you a copy of the book The Zero Waste Solution, signed by Paul Connett.

Please note these book offers only apply at these prices to the USA. If you live outside the USA and wish to receive one of these books please negotiate a price with Ellen at Ellen@FluorideALERT.org

TONIGHT: New Years Eve Zoom Party

Save the Zoom call-in details below, TONIGHT is FAN's virtual New Years Even party.

Topic: FAN New Years Eve Party

Time: Dec 31, 2020 05:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting Link:

Meeting ID: 851 5840 1363

Passcode: fan

Dial for phone audio only. Find your local number:

Below are “fighting fluoride” words to several well-known songs provided to us by Dr. Bruce Spittle who will be joining us from NZ with his guitar to lead us in couple of these. Won’t it be fun to sing with each other around the world. And don’t we need some fun?

Thank you, 

Paul Connett, PhD
(for the rest of the FAN Fundraising team (Carol B, Chris, Dawna, Ellen, Jay and Stuart) and our five super-angels)


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