F.A.N. Newsletter
This year, the Fluoride Action Network continued to lead the fight against the junk science used by proponents of fluoridation to mislead decision-makers. We are fortunate to have a skillful team of scientific and public health experts who can quickly analyze and respond to new research, as well as an experienced outreach team to disseminate press releases, rebuttal videos, and educational materials to the media, elected officials, and the public to set the record straight.
One of the most flawed and over-hyped studies FAN has responded to in recent years claimed to show that decay rates increased after fluoridation was stopped in Calgary. Today, we feature of video of our Research Director, Chris Neurath, revealing the fatal flaws in the study at the recent public hearing before Calgary City Council. But before we get to Neurath's critique, here is an update on our fundraiser.
Our current grand total stands at $59,249 from 472 supporters. Yesterday we raised $5,545 from 153 donors. $2120 of that total came from our Milestone recognition pledge team. Would you like to join that team and add to the amount donated when we reach subsequent milestones in our fundraiser (500, 600, 700 donors etc)? If so, please email your milestone pledge offer (no need to send money yet) to: Paul@fluoridealert.org
How to Make a Tax-Deductible Donation
- Online, using our secure server.
- If you should experience difficulty in donating online please email: Ellen@fluoridealert.org
- Or by Check, payable to the Fluoride Action Network. Mail your check to:
Fluoride Action Network
c/o Connett
104 Walnut Street
Binghamton NY 13905
c/o Connett
104 Walnut Street
Binghamton NY 13905
A Scientific Critique of the McLaren Study

FAN's Research Director, Chris Neurath presenting before Calgary City Council
FAN's Research Director, Chris Neurath presenting before Calgary City Council
After the pro-fluoridation lobby suffered years of defeat in Canada, as community after community ended fluoridation at a staggering rate, they came up with a new strategy to stoke fear in the minds of the public and officials considering an end to the practice. It included over-hyping a flawed study from the University of Calgary study by Mclaren et al. claiming to show that decay rates increased when fluoridation chemicals were removed from the drinking water, then using it to pressure cities to reverse their previous votes.
This study was given extensive media coverage around Canada and other fluoridating countries and was used by proponents to specifically target Calgary to re-fluoridate its water. It was also used by proponents to stymie efforts by dozens of communities elsewhere to end fluoridation.
However, a closer look showed the study omitted key data that contradicted that conclusion. When the data from an omitted dental survey was considered, there was no evidence that fluoridation cessation caused an increase in decay. Instead, it was shown that Calgary had been experiencing a steady increase in decay BEFORE fluoridation was halted, and that trend simply continued. The same trend of increasing decay was found in the control city of Edmonton which was fluoridated for the entire study period.
Chris Neurath collaborated with prominent dentists and distinguished scientists to call out the study’s false claims in an article published in the same journal that published the original study [Limitations of fluoridation effectiveness studies: Lessons from Alberta, Canada, by Neurath C, Beck JS, Limeback H, Sprules WG, Connett M, Osmunson B, Davis DR. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, 2017, Dec;45(6):496-502.]
With publication of the critique of McLaren’s study, local officials and citizens will now be able to counter the fake fluoridation science with real science. In fact, proponents are now pivoting to a new, equally flawed and over-hyped study that looked at decay rates in Juneau, Alaska after cessation of fluoridation.
We are going to hear from Chris again on Saturday where we will have a special weekend FAN bulletin which will focus on Chris's summary of all the important findings form the past three years that indicate that fluoride can impact the brain in various ways - at the exposure levels experienced in fluoridated communities. This summary is a must-have document for communities fighting fluoridation.
FAN supporters make it possible for us to call out and refute bogus fluoridation science through your generosity. FAN is working on more real science projects that will help toward the goal of halting fluoridation not just in Calgary, but everywhere. Please consider a donation to help keep this work going.
Thank you,
Stuart Cooper
Campaign Director
Fluoride Action Network
Stuart Cooper
Campaign Director
Fluoride Action Network
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