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UK Against Fluoridation

Tuesday, September 03, 2019

Denmark to ban fluoride in food packaging

Danish Food Minister Mogens Jensen announced early Monday his decision to ban harmful fluorides used in food packaging.
The new legislation will ban the use of all organic fluorinated materials used on cardboard and paper that has contact with food.
“I do not want to accept the risk of harmful fluoride substances migrating from the packaging to our food. These substances are such a major health problem that we can no longer wait for the EU,” said Food Minister Mogens Jensen.
Fluorine substances are used on the packaging of fatty and wet foods because they give the surface of these packaging a grease and water repellent effect.
The ban affects special packaging on items like burgers and other fast food, baking and cake paper.
The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration has long advised against the use of fluorinated substances in cardboard and paper for food. Some major players in the retail trade who have voluntarily phased out the substances support the new ban.
The National Food Authority expects the ban to take effect from July 2020 following external consultations.


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