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UK Against Fluoridation

Monday, August 05, 2019

F.A.N. Newsletter

Over the past several years there have been growing concerns about the increased power of internet companies and social media giants to restrict and censor certain types of online content that run counter to prevailing orthodoxies, including issues surrounding health freedoms.  New algorithms rolled out in Goggle Search and in social media timelines have made obtaining and sharing vital information about health topics such as fluoride increasingly difficult. Organizations like the Organic Consumer’s Union, Dr. Mercola, the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, and other groups have seen their web traffic, social media engagement, and even email delivery rates sharply decline. While FAN has yet to experience the more extreme measures of censorship other groups have suffered, FAN is taking steps to meet the challenges of a changing internet landscape in which censorship is becoming more and more commonplace. 
One of the steps that FAN has taken is to diversify our social media presence.
You can now view all of FAN’s videos on FAN’s BitChute Channel. BitChute is an excellent, censorship-free, alternative video sharing platform (to Youtube which is owned by Google and is heavily censored).
FAN has also created a Patreon Channel where you can stay in the loop on important updates on fluoride without having to login to Facebook or other mainstream social media platforms. Patreon is a rapidly growing crowdfunding platform that allows fans (or patrons) to check out and/or support content creators for their work.
In an effort to feature some of the longer form media that FAN has produced, FAN is excited to announce the premier of FANCAST, a podcast about fluoride that features interviews with key figures and thought leaders in the realm of fluoride science. Listen to FANCAST episodes on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher Podcasts (for Android users) while you’re commuting to/from work or doing chores around the house.
When viewing FAN content on alternative social media sites, please note that FAN is strictly an apolitical organization and does not subscribe to any political or ideological affiliation. Fluoride harm is an issue that effects everyone regardless of world view.
Now more than ever, we must work together to share vital information with others by word of mouth, by text and email, and by sidestepping increasing censorship on the internet and on social media platforms. If you are interested in learning more about internet censorship and what you can do to navigate the new online landscape, visit ourwebpage on censorship.
Jay Sanders
Education & Outreach Director
Fluoride Action Network


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