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UK Against Fluoridation

Friday, February 15, 2019

Darlington and Stockton Times - letter

ON January 31, a colleague and I attended a full council meeting at Darlington Town Hall, with contributions (and questions) relevant to water fluoridation. We turned out on a freezing night, but we were not allowed to speak due to a breach of protocol, essentially an addressing error – it was mine, and it will not happen again.
One question related to a 2007 paper showing that silico-fluorides used to fluoridate water around the world (and ten per cent of England’s drinking water) can produce chemicals which may disrupt normal nerve function, and could also explain the mechanism of disfiguring dental fluorosis. Do not believe the mantra that this condition is “cosmetic”. Do the research – join the fight.
The other question related to new data which indicates the incidence of tooth decay in five-year-old Darlington children has declined by 25.4 per cent very recently, while tooth decay in children in the fluoridated West Midlands increased by 9.8 per cent in the same period.
The North-East as a whole now has a seven per cent lower incidence of decay than the West Midlands, and most of the children examined in our region were drinking water without fluoride.
The message to our kids, parents and teachers is “well done – whatever you are doing, keep it up”.
But you should know that mass-medication is on the horizon.
M Watson, Darlington


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