Fluoride-Disparaging Studies Rarely Publicized. Why?
NEW YORK, Jan. 24, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Poorly done pro-fluoride studies are widely publicized. Fluoride disparaging studies are not. This past year, more studies link fluoride to brain, kidney, thyroid, bone and vascular damage, reports the New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc. (NYSCOF).
Fluoride chemicals added to public water supplies is touted as a safe tooth-decay preventive. However, a growing body of research shows fluoridation can cause harm. Here's the latest:
- "Childhood Fluoride exposure was associated with atherosclerotic biomarkers." (Environmental Research 2019)
- "The risk of brain damage from low-fluorine exposure cannot be ignored." (Chemosphere April 2019)
- "Fluoride could be considered an environmental kidney toxicant." (Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 2018)
- "Viral infection and fluoride toxicity as contributors to chronic kidney disease." (International Urology and Nephrology 2018 )
- "Exploring the role of excess fluoride in chronic kidney disease: A review" (Human & Experimental Toxicology 2018)
- "Positive correlation exists between fluorosis and thyroid functional." (The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice 2018)
- "Systematic review suggests a positive correlation between excess fluoride and hypothyroidism" (Indian Journal of Dental Research 2018)
- "Fluorosis is associated with a higher incidence of OPLL" [a spinal cord disease] (Neurology India 2018)
- Fluoride included in "Environmental chemical exposures and neurodevelopmental impairments in children" (Pediatric Medicine 2018)
- "Long-term high intake of fluoride can cause skeletal fluorosis in patients with diabetes insipidus" Zhongguo Gu Shang (2017)
- "A relatively large proportion of fluoride intake is retained in the body in weaned infants." (British Journal of Nutrition 2019)
- Fluoride linked to poor memory. "The study may support the hypothesis that excess fluoride in drinking water is neurotoxic." (American Journal of Medicine and Medical Science 2018)
- "Fluorosis is more common in adults with lifetime exposure to water fluoridation than those with no exposure" (Community Dentistry & Oral Epidemiology 2018)
- Editorial (Fluoride 2018) "Fluoride-induced Developmental Disorders and Iodine Deficiency Disorders as Examples of Developmental Disorders Due to Disturbed Thyroid Hormone Metabolism"
- Fluorosis is linked to Anemia (Current Science 2018)
- Fluoride could be implicated in Alzheimer's Disease (International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2018) and Dementia (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2019)
We reported five others in October 2018.
Attorney Paul Beeber, NYSCOF President says: "Water fluoridation concentration doesn't equate to individuals' daily fluoride dose from all sources. It's time to retire fluoridation as a 1900's artifact of good intentions gone badly."
SOURCE NYS Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc.
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