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UK Against Fluoridation

Friday, December 21, 2018


To avoid extra work for both you and us, if you want a copy of the Gotzsche book at the subsidized rate (thanks to Jack Crowther) please simply make a donation of $11 for one copy, $22 for two copies, $33 for three copies (these dollar amounts our codes for us). If you live in Canada or other country and want copies of the book please email Ellen at Ellen@FluorideAlert.org to arrange (postage is a killer).
When we agreed, on FAN's behalf, to accept 212 copies of the late Anne-Lisa Gotzche's book, we had no idea how much space they would occupy in our home. So in addition to raising money we have an extra personal incentive for getting these books into the hands of our supporters!  
To this end we have had a very exciting offer (for the USA only) from one of our wonderful supporters (Jack Crowther) who has donated $1000 so that we can make 76 books available at a giveaway cost (i.e. donation) of $10. To take advantage of that offer please contact Ellen at Ellen@FluorideAlert.org - and yes you can order 2 for 20, 3 for 30 etc...at least until the 76 go then we will go back to $23 a copy.
To whet your appetite, here is my favorite quote from this book written in 1975.
"There has rarely been a scientific or medical issue followed with such intense interest and emotion by the lay community -and with such laxity by the scientific establishment." (p.23)
More quotes below, but first, a fundraiser update. 
Yesterday, was another bumper day for us- largely because of $5,000 donation from a small family foundation. That, incidentally is why we make such a big thing about the number of donors we have in addition to the total amount money raised, because foundations are very interested in how many active supporters we have. 
Our current totals stand at $118,947 from 307 donors.

And now for another amazing offer from Dr. Mercola. He will donate another $4000 if we can reach $146,000 by midnight Christmas Eve. We know that it is going to be tough to do this but if we do it will bring our total to $150,000 and leave us with a much easier task to reach $250,000 by midnight Dec 31.  To get us off to good start he will also double the next $1000 donated today.

How to make a tax-deductible donation to FAN:
  • Online at our secure server.
  • Or by Check, payable to the Fluoride Action Network. Send your check to:

    Fluoride Action Network
    c/o Connett
    104 Walnut Street
    Binghamton NY 13905

More quotes from Anne-Lisa Gotzche's book:

She quotes the late Albert Schatz (co-discoverer of streptomycin) as saying:
"Ever since US dentistry 'created' fluoridation it has been forced to defend it in the face of increasing worldwide opposition from many responsible scientists…As a result the reputation of US dentistry has become irrevocably bound to the fate of fluoridation. A stage has now been reached where the rejection of fluoridation will irreparably discredit the American Dental Association and the National Institute of Dental Research of the US Public Health Service.” (p.35)
She quotes John Knutson a prominent promoter of fluoridation in the 1970s, who was quoted in the British Dental Journal in Oct 6 1970:
“As soon as dentists recognize their responsibility in the politics of fluoridation, their performance will be outstanding. In politics, the emphasis must be on commitment rather than detached objectivity.... In other words, a dentist does not need to know all the vast scientific background to fluoridation… all he needs is the knowledge that fluoridation is safe, effective and practical, and enough enthusiasm to convince other people that this is so.” (p.25)
So 48 years ago the game plan had been laid out that Johnny Johnson and his colleagues at the American Fluoridation Society still follow to this day.

Paul Connett, PhD,
Director of FAN
Fluoride Action Network


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