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UK Against Fluoridation

Saturday, November 03, 2018

USA - Making Them Smile

An oral health summit touts the benefits of fluoride in drinking water, plus more of the week's health news
Fluoride has been added to many water systems across the nation since the mid-20th century.
It has been shown to cut cavities by a quarter and helps build strong teeth, so why do Virginia oral health advocates feel the need for a panel discussion on promoting fluoridated water in 2018?
There are two main reasons: great results and misinformation.
Great results in that fluoride has proven so effective over so many years that most people never even realize it’s in their drinking water.
Misinformation comes into play from some people who have found information in their online research about health concerns that are not founded in accepted research, says Sarah Bedard Holland, CEO of the Virginia Oral Health Coalition.
You can’t see it, you can’t taste it, but every time you drink from the tap, it’s there. “It provides some great prevention,” she says.
Most Virginia water systems have been fluoridated since 1952, and about three quarters of water supplies across the United States have been fluoridated. In metro Richmond, only a few smaller systems, including those serving Powhatan Courthouse, Crozier and Central Virginia Correctional No. 13 in Chesterfield County do not add fluoride....................

Fluoridation Ineffective & Harmful

4800 professionals urge an end to fluoridation because emerging science shows that ingesting fluoride is ineffective at reducing tooth decay and is harmful to health http://FluorideAction.Net/researchers/professionals-statement
nyscof 10 hours ago | reply

Errors & Omissions

The high quality valid science published this century makes it clear, that fluoridation is harming bodies, bones and brains from womb to tomb. US data from this year documents that over half of American teens have dental damage from fluoride overdose during childhood, which for many will result in higher dental bills. Brush with it if you want, but only harm comes from swallowing the stuff. 

18% of people drinking 'optimally' fluoridated water in Canadian communities have a heightened risk of low thyroid function because fluoride interferes with iodine metabolism. Study excluded those already diagnosed with thyroid disease.
- Malin AJ et al. Fluoride exposure and thyroid function among adults living in Canada: Effect modification by iodine status. Environment International. Volume 121, Part 1, December 2018, Pages 667-674.

In doses consistent with ‘optimal fluoridation’ children have up to a 6 point lowered IQ on a dose-response trend line. Study excluded high risk populations. 
- Bashash M et al. Prenatal Fluoride Exposure and Cognitive Outcomes in Children at 4 and 6–12 Years of Age in Mexico. Environ Health Perspect. Sept 2017. Vol 125, Issue 9. 

Pregnant Canadian women drinking 'optimally' fluoridated water had twice the fluoride exposure per individual testing as compared to pregnant women in non-fluoridated Canadian communities - and consistent in studies finding prenatal ill effects. Excluded those with health conditions such as kidney disease as well as considered confounding factors such as tea consumption. 
- Till C et al. Community Water Fluoridation and Urinary Fluoride Concentrations in a National Sample of Pregnant Women in Canada. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2018, 

Study found attention deficit disorder correlation with prenatal exposure to fluoride specific to dose. Excluded those with history of mental illness or conditions such as diabetes and renal disease.
- Morteza Bashash M et al. Prenatal fluoride exposure and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms in children at 6–12 years of age in Mexico City. Environment International. Volume 121, Part 1, December 2018, Pages 658-666

Over one third of babies (37%) in fluoridated American communities consume unsafe amounts of fluoride in excess of the upper limits considered safe. At the very least, this puts these children at high risk for developing dental fluorosis, mottled teeth, a condition associated with more learning disabilities, broken bones and kidney disease.
- Harriehausen CX. Fluoride Intake of Infants from Formula. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2018

Over half of US teens have dental fluorosis and 1 in 5 has moderate to severe damage. 
- Wiener RC, et al. Dental Fluorosis over Time: A comparison of National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data from 2001-2002 and 2011-2012. J Dent Hyg February 2018 vol. 92 no. 1 23-29


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