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UK Against Fluoridation

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Episode 183: Fluoride: The Hidden Cause of Acne (& What to Do About It)

Partial transcript of Podcast
 Many of us realize just how important the gut microbiome is to health and are familiar with things like probiotics and fermented foods that can help optimize gut health. But did you know that our bodies are made up of many bacterial ecosystems and that without them, our health would crumble. Our skin is the largest ecosystem or microbiome and often it needs a little help. Modern hygiene products deplete the necessary beneficial bacteria on our skin and the AO+ Mist’s patented Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria (AOB) work by consuming the ammonia in your sweat and producing beneficial byproducts for your skin, which brings balance to your skin biome and helps restore its natural ecosystem. What I love about this mist is that is has almost completely removed the need for me to wear deodorant since ammonia is the stinky part of sweat, and it has become a vital part of my skin care routine. All Mother Dirt products are plant-based with minimal ingredients, and they are gentle, effective and great for the whole family. You can save 20% on your first purchase with code FREESHIP20 at motherdirt.com/wellnessmama to learn more and buy now. This episode is brought to you by Perfect Keto. I have heard from a lot of you who are trying the keto diet right now. And Perfect Keto has several products that make it so much easier and tastier. They have keto-friendly sports drinks with zero additives, zero carbs, and only high-quality ingredients. And I've gotten so many questions about this. They also have exogenous ketones that raise blood ketone levels up to 1.5 millimoles per liter. So that would be simulating a fast. A lot of people use these exogenous ketones to increase mental performance, and energy production, and fat burning without the need to do extended fasting. And Perfect Keto really just helps make ketosis available to everyone, everywhere, all the time without the need to do extended fasting, like I said. You can check out these and all of their other products at perfectketo.com/healthymoms. And if you use the code HEALTHYMOMS, all uppercase, you can save 20% on any order. Katie: Okay. Hello and welcome to the Wellness Mama Podcast. I'm Katie from wellnessmama.com. And today's episode is going to answer a question I get a lot from you guys and have not even made time to write about specifically yet. And that is Fluoride and what it does to our bodies. And I am here with Melissa Gallico who's the author of "The Hidden Cause of Acne" and "F is for Fluorite: A Feasible Fairytale for Free Thinkers 15 and up." She's also no rookie when it comes to research. She's a former military intelligence officer, a Fulbright Scholar, an FBI Intelligence Analyst, and she has instructed classes for the FBI Intelligence analyst at Quantico, and provided intelligence support for National Security Investigations. She graduated with honors from Georgetown and has a masters from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. She's obviously well-educated, well-traveled and well-researched and I cannot wait to jump in. So, Melissa welcome and thanks for being here. ................................


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