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UK Against Fluoridation

Thursday, September 06, 2018

Infant And Fetal Pathologist Warns Against Fluoride

Infant And Fetal Pathologist Warns All Women to Avoid Fluoride Before And During Pregnancy
About three hundred people turned up to Otago University on Tuesday night to hear three overseas experts talk about the evidence and the potential mechanisms of how fluoride effects the brain. The three experts were unanimous in their recommendation that fluoride is a developmental neurotoxin that lowers the IQ of children and warned that evidence also strongly suggests that fluoride exposure contributes to other neuro-developmental disorders such as Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD).
Some of the students arrived with tin foil hats on their heads. Obviously they have been duped into thinking that people opposed to fluoride did not understand the science. They were quickly left dumb-founded as they realised the talk was a very serious scientific discussion and they were way out of their depth.
Retired Infant and Fetal pathologist, Dr Vyvyan Howard from Northern Ireland, warned the audience, particularly the young students, that women need to avoid fluoride before and during pregnancy.. Dr Howard explained that fluoride's known ability to reduce thyroid function is the most likely mechanism for the reduction in IQ seen in children exposed in utero to mothers exposed to fluoride, particularly if iodine levels are low.
Emeritus Professor Paul Connett explained the growing body of science that shows fluoride at low levels reduces children's IQ. He explained the major mistake in the New Zealand Fluoridation Report from 2014, authored by Profs Gluckman and Skegg, who confused a drop in half a standard deviation (seven IQ points) with a drop of half an IQ point. However when they corrected this mistake, they did not also correct their conclusion that this "was of no functional significance" when obviously a drop of seven IQ points is very significant.
Professor Connett then went on to explain the latest research, (Bashash et al), funded by the US Government, that found children exposed in utero to the same levels of fluoride that New Zealanders are exposed to, have reduced IQ. Dr Howard then explained that this is likely happening by reducing the mother's thyroid hormones.
Irish scientist, Declan Waugh, showed an extensive range of data from a vast library of studies of how fluoride effects many enzymes, proteins and key mechanisms in the brain - which increases the likelihood of a whole host of diseases and disorders, such as ADHD and diabetes.
The audience was enthralled and it is a huge shame that no professor from the university bothered to attend. We believe the reason for this is that they do not want to open their minds to the new research and risk alienating themselves among their peers. It appears they would prefer to carry on in ignorance, as if that absolves them of responsibility. However, the people at the presentations last night, and the people who will attend the presentations in Wellington on Thursday night (7pm 6th September, Mercure Abel Tasman Hotel), know it does not.
It is way beyond time that New Zealand academics, medical professionals and scientists start listening to this new research and act in the public interest, rather than leaving New Zealanders to be medicated without their informed consent.


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