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UK Against Fluoridation

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

F.A.N. Newsletter

As the people of New Zealand continue to fight a national proposal to take authority over fluoridation away from local councils and put it solely in the hands of regional Boards of Health (beholden to the pro-fluoridation Ministry of Health), an international team of fluoride experts are heading to Otago to publicize the significant health risks associated with the practice. 
FAN’s Director Paul Connett, PhD, is among the group of experts, and has campaigned extensively throughout New Zealand over the years.  During his most recent campaign visit he made a presentation in the New Zealand Parliament entitled, Major U.S. Government-Funded Study Should End Fluoridation Worldwide. Please share this presentation with your local decision-makers and fellow concerned citizens.  Please also click here to quickly “like” and share Paul’s presentation on Facebook.
Below is a newsletter from FAN-NZ with more information about the team of experts heading down under, including ways you can help regardless of where you live in the world.
Stuart Cooper
Campaign DirectorFluoride Action Network

International Fluoride Experts to Speak in New Zealand
We are very excited to announce that, for the first time ever, Toxico-Pathologist Dr Vyvyan Howard and Irish Environmental Scientist Declan Waugh, will be accompanying Prof Paul Connett on a short speaking tour of New Zealand.
This team of world experts on the toxicology of fluoride will share ground-breaking research that every New Zealander needs to hear. Especially, the Minister of Health and those advising him. The effect of fluoride on the brain, thyroid and bones is undeniable.
They will be speaking in Dunedin at St David's Theatre in the Otago University on Tuesday the 4th of September and in Wellington at the Mecure Hotel on Thursday the 6th September. Both events run from 7pm to 9pm.
Please help to make these events a huge success by contributing to our Give A Little page, sharing these events with all your contacts by forwarding this email, and inviting your friends to the Dunedin Facebook Event page and the Wellington Facebook Event page.
Dr C Vyvyan Howard, MB ChB, PhD, FRCPath, has recently retired as Professor of Bioimaging, Nano Systems Biology, Centre for Molecular Biosciences, University of Ulster. Vyvyan Howard is a medically qualified toxico-pathologist with expertise on the effects of toxic substances on the foetus and infant during the developmental period of life...see more.
Declan Waugh. As a professional scientist, Declan has an impressive record in environmental due diligence, risk management, environmental impact assessment and environmental research. Over the last 25 years, Declan has overseen the environmental management of several industrial operations as well as delivering solutions for client’s complex environmental challenges in developing renewable energy and waste management projects, assessing and managing contaminated land restoration projects, water management, acoustics and environmental impact assessment...see more.
Professor Paul Connett Ph.D, is currently Acting Director of Fluoride Action Network, one of the largest organisations opposing water fluoridation worldwide. As a prominent water fluoridation critic he has travelled extensively liaising with groups who oppose adding the toxin fluoride to community water supplies in other fluoridating countries. Paul is a graduate of Cambridge University, holds a Ph.D. in chemistry from Dartmouth College and taught chemistry for 23 years at St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY, where he specialised in environmental chemistry and toxicology…see more.


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