The Girl Against Fluoride
Your body is 70 % water. It goes without saying that the quality of your water matters. After actively campaigning for years as The Girl Against Fluoride, I realised that the biggest obstacle to change is awareness.
So many people have written to me saying what can we do. As Socrates says "The secret to change is focusing all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on creating the new. Change begins with us and what we do personally. The best thing you can do is to install a filter that removes fluoride and purifies chlorine and heavy metals present in drinking water. When you have a filter, educate your family and friends about why you have a filter. Tell politicians when you get the opportunity. Keep raising awareness and rippling that outwards into our collective consciousness.
I am delighted to have partnered with Simply Water, The Pure Water Company to offer you a range of Reverse Osmosis Filters that you can order for your home. For full details click this link below.
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