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UK Against Fluoridation

Friday, March 02, 2018

What was the Fluoride Death Smog Disaster? & Other Questions re Fluoridation

by jenny miller

In one of the most successful PR campaigns in the history of the world, Edward Bernays convinced the American public to start adding toxic industrial waste to our water supply. Now, decades later, the evidence shows zero benefit to the public and immeasurable harm.
Water fluoridation is a given in most communities in the United States. Here are some questions about the practice that urgently need to be asked.

1. Why would anyone be opposed to water fluoridation? Doesn’t fluoride occur in the water naturally anyway?

The fluoride products used in water fluoridation (sodium fluoride or fluorosilicic acid) are classified as hazardous waste products of the fertilizer, aluminum, and nuclear industries. They are even more toxic than naturally-occurring fluoride, since they contain other components, such as arsenic and lead.

However, even naturally-occurring fluoride, in areas with high concentrations (over 1 ppm) has been been found to have extremely adverse health effects. Even before additional fluoride is added, the level of natural fluoride in the water in many areas in the U.S. is already equal to the amount of naturally-occurring fluoride that has been found to cause skeletal fluorosis in other countries. Studies done in India and China found skeletal fluorosis in areas containing naturally occurring fluoride as low as .7 ppm. (Gupta R, Kumar AN, Bandhu S, Gupta S. (2007) Skeletal fluorosis mimicking seronegative arthritis. Scandanavian Journal of Rheumatology 36(2):154–5.) That same amount, .7 pmm is the current amount recommended by the CDC to be added to community water supplies. .......


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